Elves Species in Ascary (Chaos World Chronicles) | World Anvil
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The true children of mana, long-living and graceful as they come.

Written by Rat_King

"My sweet Kymil, knowen that we are beings bearen of Magic. We has't the pow'r to controlen it's gifts. But nae forgetten, don let it hold sway of thee my son, thou who bearen the gifts shant lose oneself to it's pow'r."

-Elder Mailys lecturing her son

The great mancers of Lecarne, blessed with longetivity and all the gifts that mana can offer. Although numerous variants greatly divide their race, the protection of Pagose keeps them united.

Basic Information


Woodland Elves

The most common subrace among elves. Tall humanoids, known for their pointy ears. skin colors vary from what is considered as natural skin colors. hair colors of the woodland elves vary between the natural hair colors and some uncommon hair colors passed in woodland elf genealogy (eg. green, purple, violet, pink, gray, and any combinations inbetween). The elves born with these uncommon hair colors are known to blend fully in colorful flowery foliage when setting up ambushes and traps.

High Elves

A subrace of elves, identified for having the longest ears among all elves. Skin colors vary from what is considered as natural skin colors. Hair colors are almost exclusively bright colored (blonde, white, chestnut, etc.).  

Snow Elves

A subrace of elves. naturally lightweight, usually weighs within 60 kg despite the elven natural height. Known for their pale skin that almost looks like snow. hair color between snow elves doesn't vary much. There are two tones of snow elf hair, and that is white or gray. Due to how they evolved they are more resistant to the cold compared to the other elven subraces.  

Flue / Island Elves

A subrace of elves. shorter than the average elf but sturdier. The Island elves are known and identified through their dark skin, ranging from a light tan to darker skin tones. Hair color for the island elves is on the darker tone. Besides their appearance the island elves have developed lungs which allows for them to hold their breath longer and gives them their iconic singing voices.  

Drow / Dark Elves

The only subrace of elves who dwell in subterranean ecosystems. They are known for having unnatural skin color such as black, gray, violet, and pale violet. Their skin tone is paired with their silver colored hair. In physicality, the dark elves don't have the longetivity of the other elven subraces. They usually live to reach the age of 80. In addition, they are also sensitive to sunlight and has resorted to a nocturnal lifestyle everytime they make it to the surface.

Biological Traits

Drow elves don't live as long as the others

Ecology and Habitats

They usually live where they feel more niche (eg. a woodland elf in a forest glade, or a snow elf on the northern snow-capped mountain glades)

Additional Information

Social Structure

For woodland elves, a matriarchal society is much more preferred by them since most of their rhetoric are composed with the importance of life. And for them a mother is one who brings life and nurtures it.
  For the High elves on the other hand are a hybrid of oligarchy and meritocracy, they are ruled by the high tribunal who are a group of Magistrata high elves that belong in noble houses trained to rule over the rest.
  The rest are mostly ruled by a council of elders

Geographic Origin and Distribution

  • The primary occupants of Lecarne, most of the Elven kingdoms are found in this continet.
  • Almost all elven species but the high elves are found contesting the lands in Rhoygir
  • Many elves have also infiltrated Seneca, there are even small hidden Drow, woodland and snow elf glades in Seneca. Though many of the elves that come to Seneca are captive slaves

Average Intelligence

Intelligence and wisdom among elves is greatly desired in order for one to study spells and form new ones.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

As you know the elves of Lecarne can manifest mana into magic, but a common elf only have the capacity to master one school of magic. Generally elves can study what ever school they wish but most of the time they study magic that adheres to the teachings of their own species variants. The species variants adhere to the following:
  • Woodland Elves: most woodland elves usually practice in the school of druidism or the school of terramancers alongside the gifts of herbalism, medicine and elemental archery
  • High Elves: A proud subrace of elves that have mastered the practice on the school of Divination and the house of Arcane, they could also magically enchant armor and weapons under the house of arcane.
  • Snow Elves: the children of snow mostly prefer the school of Cryomancy and they also have a talent in teaching in the school of Abjuration. They are also masters of survivalcraft.
  • Flue / Island Elves: Perhaps the group with the most practitioners of elemental mancers having a hold in the mastery on the schools of Hydromancy, Pyromancy, and Aeromancy. They also pride themselves in hand to hand combat mastery.
  • Drow / Dark elves: And finally the drow teach the school of Necromancy and Illusions. Since magic takes a long time to master, they usually grasp the basics of their chosen schools and devote their lives in the shadows either as rouges or assasins.
given all these schools of magic there are elves who can master 2 or 3 schools in their lifetime these elves are called the Magastrata. And prophecy of one who will master all schools of magic shall be the one to hold the title of the Omnimancer.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Common Traditional Elvish names, non-culture specific:  
  Masculine Elvish names:
  • Prys
  • Seoras
  • Cianan
  • Mirion
  • Elred
  • Luc
Feminine Elvish names:
  • Efa
  • Beitris
  • Ainwyne
  • Finnea
  • Lena
  • Peneli
Unisex Elven names:
  • Ros
  • Florian
  • Scaithe
  • Brytta
  • Inon
  • Xene
Naming traditions amongst elves have schemes to it but it's fairly understandable, it usually starts with a given name followed by a patronymic (or matronymic if woodland) bynames to convey lineage of the parent, followed by a suffix '-lan' for the son and '-lin' for the daughter, afterwards it is finished with the surname. Take for example "Saleh Inonlan Antonias", 'Saleh' is his given name, 'Inonlan' means that he is the son of Inon and 'Antonias' is the family he belongs in. In some cases, patronymic bynames can be shortened if such names are too long. Take for example a child of Petronella, rather than being called Petronellalan it would be shortened to Petralan or Petralin.   Naming schemes might vary on different elven cultures buy the structuring remain the same, such as the Fresilian elves who suffix '-han' for sons and '-hin' for daughters in their bynames. (eg. Lehua Inokehin Kawena).(!)

Major Organizations

The tower of Sages, who's goal is the pursuit of magic, either by teaching it to those who have the capacity to devote their lifetime for learning and discovering new spells for magic. Although the barrier of entry is only for those who have the aptitude for magic, he/she cannot climb the ranks unless he/she is elven

Beauty Ideals

For the elves (except for the snow elves) having long hair is seen as desirable and attractive for both men and women.

Average Technological Level

Commonly used technology are advance carts called the Rollion wagon that could act as it's own tent that the rider and his/her family can sleep on and is harnessed by up to 8 beasts of burden.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Elves usually have different languages that they use but the one most used as the continental lingua franca is the Psylodotian language. The language used by the elves of Psylodos and the language of the high elves.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Pilgrimage to Psylodos, and Pagose

Common Taboos

For Lecarnic elves, it is forbidden to bring Senecan technology, such as gunpowder and steam engines inside the continent


During the days of legend, during the days where humans and dwarves were still in Lecarne. Magic was the law of the land, and the one's in charge were the high elves. And in their eyes the one's who posses magic are the one's who have the right to rule over the others. The early elves under the rulership of the high tribunal, would often carry out their orders to conquer and rule over both humans and dwarves. They would be resisted by the republic of Roth, a human nation that rivaled the early elven realms with their new found antimagic. The Rothari,shook the foundations of the high elven ideology, once held absolute and supreme is now but a broken system. Unrelenting, the power of Roth crept ever closer to the heart of Lecarne, the great tree of Pagose, And so the elven realms banded together and amassed a force to crush the Roth and won. And with the defeat of Roth both human and dwarves migrated away from Lecarne to new lands.
  Now that the old Roth have gone the elves only have themselves to deal with. Most elves at this time broke away from the rule of the high elves either by peaceful diplomacy or by a violent rebellion. No longer did the high elves hold supreme power over all elvenkind. The remaining years go by with minor warring with the Beastmen or themselves but all became well when they all agreed to band together if ever the Senecans attack, forming the alliance between elvenkind and beastmen thus forming the Lecarnic League.

Historical Figures

Judge Zeno

(full name: Zeno Ayudinlan Phocus) High elf judge of the high tribunal. The man who kicked off the entire conflict that spanned for generations to come, a name that would forever live in infamy as was noted in the historical elven texts. He was the man who suggested the absolute rule of magic, and giving out orders to conquer human kingdoms and dwarven clandens.

Silis Roslin Asrenae

Snow elf cryomancer from the Ilkis Magedom. She alone carried out rescue missions to rescue elven rulers that were captive by the Cascan empire during the first continental war and saving several elven glades from certain doom by evacuating them ahead of time as soon as she was made aware of the enemies plans. She was later captured and executed on the orders of Emperor Claudius. from then she became a symbol of martyrdom

First Grand Sage Psellius

Originally a travelling high elf hermit named Elas. After the great revolts against Psylodos, he looked for ways that the elven races could reunite in ways. So he turned to the one thing they had in common, the study of magic. Thus with him began the tower of Sages that would spread all throughout Lecarne and even some parts in Rhoygir.

Prince Elion "The Rebel Prince"

(full name: Elion Jolianlan Belisar) Woodland elf prince of the Belisar dynasty. Son of queen Jolian although their realm is free from the rule of the high elves, he continued fighting on in other realms where he encourage would other elves to rebel. His spark of patriotism sparked numerous rebellions against the Psylodos, until he was sent in house arrest by his mother for causing too much trouble during her reign. As part of a deal he was later married off to the Rhoygir woodland elves where he would still continue to fight against the Psylodos.

Empress Petronella

(full name: Petronella Auraelin Belisar) Empress of the Belisar dynasty, formerly the queen of the Rhoygari Belisarians. As a direct descendant of the rebel prince, she would be the one to raise the banner of resistance against the Cascan invaders during the first continental war. albeit the first half of the war was disastrous for Lecarne, the young queen managed to turn the tides of favor for the elves allowing them to fight back and also take some territories along the way. She also Usurped the Lecarnic Belisar dynasty becoming an empress in both Lecarne and Rhoygir.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

  • Although elves and beastmen are allies a notable contingent of beastmen don't side or associate with elves, since a large and numerous race such as the beastmen are hardly seeing eye to eye with other.
  • Human, Dwarves and Orcs are constantly in conflict with the elves, as the Senecan realms actively pursuing war to Lecarne.
  • The elves have only met the Nazca a few times, only hearing about them in stories of captured Senecan slaves. from what they hear of these stories the elves are certainly impressed on how these people harness the power of lightning
Primal Elves
210 - 330 years
Average Height
1.70 - 2.20 m
Average Weight
50 - 95 kg
Average Physique
lanky and slender

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