Red Thorn Organization in Arunia | World Anvil
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Red Thorn


The Red Thorn is formed from the most elite of rogues within Mirstone. At the head is Ashe, the guild's leader. The rest of the organisation is kept fairly secret, though it can be presumed that Ashe has a council formed from her most trusted lackeys.

Public Agenda

The Red Thorn sought to achieve a tight grip over Mirstone, which they have come to achieve. Their main activities involve thievery, espionage and smuggling, all of which provide a great profit to the group.


The Red Thorn is supposedly the first group of rogues to ever be established in Mirstone, back when it was little more than a few farms and a dock. The founder of the organisation went only by Estelle, a notorious troublemaker in the settlement. However, she quickly became more than just a nuisance to the local sailors. She was almost unnaturally good at slipping into places where she wouldn't be, and obtaining information that she should not have had access to. She used this information to strengthen the group's influence and founded what is known today as Smuggler's Cove, from which a branch of the organisation ferried illegal goods to and from Stormcrest.   The guild somewhat lost influence after Estelle suddenly went missing. Some speculate that her enemies finally caught up to her, while others suggest she had enough of the life of a thief. Either way, she disappeared without a trace. Despite containing some highly skilled rogues, the group began to flounder, returning to petty thievery and losing their grip on the land. This was, of course, until the mysterious Ashe appeared and took the helm, returning the guild to its former glory and beyond.
Guild, Thieves
Controlled Territories

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