Mirstone Settlement in Arunia | World Anvil
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Mirstone is home to the stealthy and the underhanded. A wide array of races reside there, including halflings, tabaxi, tieflings, humans and even a sizeable shifter population.


Mirstone does not have an official government. Instead, it is effectively governed by the crime syndicate that operates there, known as the Red Thorn. Not much is known about them aside from their ruler, known only as Ashe. Would-be rogues flock to the fishing town in the hope they could be considered for membership, though the majority end up dead or in complete servitude to them. The Red Thorn maintain their grip on the land through a combination of bribery, thievery and blackmail of almost every member of the town. Attempting to move out of Mirstone often ends in... disappearances. Despite the fact that their name is known and feared far beyond the limits of Mirstone, their hideout is yet to be discovered.


Mirstone is shanty town through and through. The cobbled streets wind into small, dark alleyways that hide illicit deeds. It is almost a miracle half of the buildings still stand; they lean precariously on rusted nails and hinges, battered by the salty sea air.


Originally, the mountains surrounding Mirstone were used by smugglers to hide loot after raids on fishing boats in the bay. A small community of rogues began to spring up around the area, which eventually grew into the community it is today. It never lost its illicit nature, however, still operating as a base for crime for many independent rogues as well as the notorious Red Thorn.


Mirstone is built around a series of cavernous mountains that provided a base for ancient smugglers. It is built into a large bay that is often used for fishing and transport to and from Stormcrest.
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