Onibaba of Soraxis Rank/Title in Aruna | World Anvil
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Onibaba of Soraxis

The bite of Soraxis


To be a candidate of the Onibaba's duel, one must have completed the Onibaba's chalenges and be a Soraxian native or be allowed by the emperor or current Onibaba. The chalenges are: Kill a powerful spellcaster in a fair duel, kill a powerful warrior in a fair duel, kill a powerful Prime Material native monster, kill a powerful outer plane native monster, and lead a group to victory despite overwhelming odds against you and your group. All of the proof for these challenges must be brought to the Onibaba's duel.
During the Onibaba's duel, all candidates and the current Onibaba must fight in the Onibaba's cave for a week. After the week, all living candidates are retrieved and duel each other to the death. The victor becomes the Onibaba of Soraxis.
The Duel of the Onibaba happens once every five years. The Duel of the Onibaba can start early if the emperor decrees that one should happen.


The Onibaba of Soraxis is the second in command of the Soraxian army. During the lack of an emperor, the Onibaba acts as the emperor. They must have all the clans in mind, be diplomatic, mindful, and just.


Items Granted
  • Soraxian full mask. An oni mask that covers the entire face that denotes the Onibaba rank.
  • Sword of the Onibaba. A powerful artifact that has multiple magical properties for war.
  • Robe of the Onibaba. A powerful artifact that has multiple magical properties for diplomacy and defense.
  • Knives of the Onibaba. A powerful artifact that has multiple magical properties for deception and stealth.
  • Night Wolf Cloak. A cloak made of the fur of the Night Wolf that grants many benefits in nature.
Political Benefits
  • Political immunity in most countries.
  • The ability to act as emperor in case of the lack of an emperor.
  • Fame among all warriors and Soraxians.
Nobility, Military
Current Holder
Term Length
(Great) Onibaba *Name*


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