ZARCA Species in ARKTORIA | World Anvil
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ZARCA (zar-ca)

Written by Jdebro


Zarca are a species of sapient archosaura (or bipedal sapient reptiles) who resides east of the Yashper Valley, who are quite friendly with the Pharas Tribe. They are known for their mastery over the usage of fire, and their willingness to work alongside the Pharas Tribe in many affairs. The Zarcas usually are not found in populated areas as they prefer to keep to themselves, but they sometimes will visit populated areas whenever they desire or required to.

Basic Information


Zarcas are bipedal archosaura who have three rows of small spikes going from the the middle of their heads (above their eyes) to the back areas of their heads. Zarcas are built with a slightly stockier frame, giving them a strong yet agile body that allows them to move quickly. They have four-digit hands with small claws on each hand, strong enough to dig into whatever they choose yet small enough to close their hands into fists. Zarcas have strong tails that are thick enough to be used as an balance to help them run, or even climb by gripping areas that their arms or legs cannot reach.
Male Zarcas exhibit a bright orange color patterns throughout their bodies with dark red stripes from head to tail. Female Zarcas exhibit a more peachy color with varying shades of brown from head to tail. Young Zarcas of either male or female have dull versions of these colors, changing into the characteristics of adults as they age. Despite this, each individual Zarcas are easy to tell apart due to unique characteristics that pertain to that individual.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Zarcas are capable of sensing phenonmena of a divine nature from the veil rather well, aiding in their daily lives as they can use them to either protect themselves or avoid any danger altogether. It is not uncommon for human tribes such as a Pharas people to use the activities of Zarcas as early warning signs of an arriving Veilstorm, as Zarcas will make callouts specifically made to warn of such phenomena occurring. Zarcas are also capable of harnessing divine abilities much like humans can, most commonly in the innate usage of fire though individual Zarcas can manifests other abilities as well.
Conservation Status
Zarcas are protected from being harmed from barbarian tribes thanks to their close relationship with the Pharas people, who ensure to keep the Zarcas informed of any potential dangers to their settlements. Pharas hunters will often make trips to Zarcas settlements to share info on any dangerous activity that they have observed. Zarcas value their relationship with the Pharas, aiding the Pharas people in like kind. It was the Zarcas who helped the Pharas discover safer routes to access the Yashper Valley. Zarcas guards & scouts are also located in Yashper settlments, keeping watch for activity from barbarians or raiders.
Geographic Distribution


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