SWINDON Geographic Location in ARKTORIA | World Anvil
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SWINDON (swin-don)


Swindon, the largest island in the Boltane sea, is a humid jungle nation that is east of the Sarton Kingdom. It is a notorious haven for pirates, barbarians, and other ne’er-do-wells that plagues the Boltane sea routes. The Sarton kingdom’s naval forces constantly do battle on the island against pirate gangs, Blackweller sigvills, and native mistveil barbarians who attack all of the other groups.


Due to the constant strife that plagues Swindon each season, there is almost no travelers to Swindon at all. While many have heard of the lush jungles that resides there, no one outside of the warring factions has any desire to venture to Swindon for fear of their safety. The only real denizens of the island are the native peoples who are born there, who strangely chose to reside there despite the dangers present.
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Inhabiting Species

The native Mistveil barbarians alongside the native Swindons often recite stories of how there was a thriving culture on the island, before the Great Lucine Hunt devastated the island. The ancestors of the natives once commanded several city-states, with each having tamed the legendary Lucines through a combination of social bonding and arcane rituals. The rulers of these settlements desired to turn their powerful settlements into a powerful empire, and unleashed both their armies and their legions of Lucines upon the neighboring nations in Lavanita.
This would ultimately bring ruin to their island home as separate forces from the Pharas, Sartons, Blackwell sigvills, and a coalition of pirate gangs would hunt down the Lucines into utter extinction. The Blackwellers, an Sigvill tribe, would also conquer the western portions of Swindon as their own.
The various pirate gangs would also come to reside in the southeastern regions of Swindon, building large pirate havens that fuel underworld market. Around this time, the native Swindons split into two main factions: the regular Swindon natives who maintain their way of life despite the troubles. And the Mistveil barbarians, the descendents of the shaman rulers, who desire to wipe out all of the invaders.


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