Rishenlant Geographic Location in Arin | World Anvil
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In Lanarin, the name 'Rishenlant' means 'The Forest of the Flaming Lily'. It comes from the species of aquatic flower that is only found in the pools and rivers of this forest. Its petals are of a vibrant red, orange or yellow and the leaves turn a greyish-green once the plant has bloomed.
  Rishenlant is home to Lanar. The city of Rinaur, the Bridge City, is their central meeting point and one of the few places in the forest to have solid buildings, though none of these are at ground level. The Rishenlanar are known for being informal and relaxed when it comes to authority and are one of those with least antagonism towards the Shúnar. However, their relationship with the human populations that live near the northern borders of the forest is nonexistent. To the humans, the Lanar are barely more than myths, while the Lanar consider the humans to be shameless poachers of animals and plants, with particular disregard for the effects of cutting down trees.


The forest is bisected by the River Harnín, which flows from Lake Ennethel to the east, through the forest to empty into the Setting Sea. The bulk of the forest is along the northern shore, stretching for over a hundred miles north of the river. Many smaller tributaries join the Harnín, which is a mile wide by the time it leaves the forest, and there are many pools and streams throughout Rishenlant. As is typical of Lanar-inhabited forests, the trees of Rishenlant can reach both tremendous size and age, but the trees around the edges of the forest are usually smaller, to discourage humans and other species from mass logging operations. Meadows and open stretches of grass and swampland are found throughout Rishenlant but are uncommon. Their precise locations are said to change as the trees and the Lanar move them. These areas are used for low-level forms of cultivation and for the nurturing of species unable to thrive in the competitive environment of dense forest.

Fauna & Flora

Blood horses roam Rishelant and the Lanar there have also taken to taming wild cats, squirrels and foxes. Wolves are common in the forest, but bears are rarer.   Common trees in Rishenlant include oaks of several varieties, beech, elm, ash, hazel. The most famous plants are, of course, the lilies that give the forest its name. They are found at the edges of most bodies of water within the forest and are used by the Lanar to determine the purity of the water. A pool without lilies is carefully inspected before it used as drinking water, as the fire lilies are susceptible to contaminants such as rotting material.   Thintin is another common plant in Rishenlant, and one of the few that are semi-cultivated by the Rishenlanar, as it has many uses. The most common is for drinking, as it can be used fresh and steeped in hot water, or fermented and turned into alcohol.
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