Sunrock Village Settlement in Argent | World Anvil
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Sunrock Village

When the original Felis Elders formed their various clans, they decided the race as a whole needed a suitable land they could call home. Each of the Elders sent out at least one adventurer to seek such a home, and the mighty Shorthair named Max was the one to find the Great Sunrocks. These massive stone formations soak up and retain the Sun's heat to a remarkable degree, remaining warm to the touch day or night, even in Winter. Sleeping or meditating on these rocks is a great comfort to all Felis who have the opportunity to partake of it. Since there is only so much living space in Sunrock Village, the right or an invitation to visit, much less live permanently, with the Elders who reside there must be earned. Each clan is overseen by an Elder who resides in Sunrock village. These Elders have the last say in conflicts between clans and the species in general, but events hardly get that far.

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