The Guildmaster's Pen
"Some say the pen is mighter than the sword, but I say the pen is mighter than than the kingdom who made the sword... since the written word can topple corruptions and spread the truth to the unlearned masses. "
~Erin Nyx
~Erin Nyx
Mechanics & Inner Workings
The pen works like any other pen. It's designed to look like an ink-well pen, and once dipped in any ink, it will activate the enchantment.
The pen can change and alter a "Master book" and update the pages and documents inside. Each page inside the master book is marked with a sigil, and with the same pen (set), you simply apply the same sigil to a page, and the document will be copied onto the blank page.
From there, any updates made to the master document will reflect on the child documents.
This is applied to the The Explorer's Handbook as a way to update the general knowledge learned from the various expiditions into the unknown worlds we shall face.
This is also applied to the Explorer's Sheet. This way, any updates to item ownership can be securly, simply, and easily updated at any field office!
The pen can change and alter a "Master book" and update the pages and documents inside. Each page inside the master book is marked with a sigil, and with the same pen (set), you simply apply the same sigil to a page, and the document will be copied onto the blank page.
From there, any updates made to the master document will reflect on the child documents.
This is applied to the The Explorer's Handbook as a way to update the general knowledge learned from the various expiditions into the unknown worlds we shall face.
This is also applied to the Explorer's Sheet. This way, any updates to item ownership can be securly, simply, and easily updated at any field office!
Manufacturing process
Preservation of Elvin Wisdom representitives refuse to divuldge the construction of these, only stating that any replacements will cost around 100,000 Guild Points.
This is a highly signifigant item.
Item type
Current Location
Current Holder
Related Technologies
Related ethnicities
Owning Organization
Related Condition
There are only five pen made, one for each Guild Manager.
6 inches long
Base Price
Custom Made.
Raw materials & Components
The pen is composed of high quality materials, rare oaks harovested from freshly hewn trees, gold tooling with an enchanted core that keeps ink forever flowing.
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