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Kaiju Kojin | Member Since 8 Jan, 2020
12 Followers 149183 Page views 29 Likes

Initial Log:

I was released from Monster Island after a virus created by the Xillians infected humanity.   It drianed many resources and funds that were ment to keep the Kaiju Research Institute on Monster Island operational. After many years of bridging the gap between Humans and Kaiju the experement was over, and everyone was let go.   As many went their separate ways and further destruction... I was more fascinated with the humans and the things they make. When I was employed there... I was the Human/Kaiju Liason.   (I say employ, because for my services, the humans would give me things for my hoard.)   I made a lot fo friends, and fell in love on monster island. One last thing I was asked to do was hatch an unknown Kaiju Egg with my Kaiju Waifu as we settled down in the moutains of the NorthWest.   Having found a cave close to a city, I worked out an agreement with the mayor that they would closed off traffic and clear a path for me to shop at the stores.   Here's Kaiju Secret #1
We kaiju can change our size at will. Minilla isn't the only Kaiju who can do it.. we all can.

One thing about that is our default size is really based on how much radiation we've abosrbed... but we can control our density to grow and shrink at will.

But, the smaller I shrink, the harder it is for me to stay shrunk... it's like holding in a snease, or not scratching an itch...

So, shopping at stores can be a challenge if I get overly eager wtih things, or I stay inside and read too long.

The Kaiju Research Institute has given the Kaiju helper drones based on the Jager series of robots my good buddy Godzilla faught.   It's part of the Kojin Rehabilition Act, where the Kaiju Institute will monitor the Kaiju as they try to assimilate into normal society and try not to distrupt human activities.   We get bonus points if we can actually figure out a way to work with them, so I'm hoping by doing this channel, I can make some interesting friends and expand my horisons to show the world that not all Kaiju are terrors that stomp in the night...

Interests & Hobbies

My interests vary from coin collecting to restorations. I'm interested in archiving and protecting history for future generations. I am a firm believer of understanding the past and learning from it.

Favorite Movies

Kaiju and Sentai series, both subs and dubs.

I also like a lot of older 80's swords and sorcery films.

One of my favorite as a child was called "The DungeonMaster" (or Ragewar).

Favorite TV Series

  • Conan the barbarian
  • Beastmaster
  • Mortal Kombat
  • Xena and Hercules
  • Really cheesy action-packed shows.

Favorite Books

Sword of Shannara series, Xanth, anything by Christopher Moore,

Favorite Writers

Terry Brooks, Ben Bova, Larry Niven, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clark, Carlos Castaneda,

Favorite Games

Here is my Steam game list