Gnome Species in Arda | World Anvil
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Gnome (nōm)

Gnomes are distant relatives of the fey, and their history tells of a time when they lived in the fey’s mysterious realm, a place where colors are brighter, the wildlands wilder, and emotions more primal. Unknown forces drove the ancient gnomes from that realm long ago, forcing them to seek refuge in Arda; despite this, the gnomes have never completely abandoned their fey roots or adapted to mortal culture. Though gnomes are no longer truly fey, their fey heritage can be seen in their innate magic powers, their oft-capricious natures, and their outlooks on life and the world.

Gnomes can have the same concerns and motivations as members of other races, but just as often they are driven by passions and desires that non-gnomes see as eccentric at best, and nonsensical at worst. A gnome may risk his life to taste the food at a giant’s table, to reach the bottom of a pit just because it would be the lowest place he’s ever been, or to tell jokes to a dragon—and to the gnome those goals are as worthy as researching a new spell, gaining vast wealth, or putting down a powerful evil force. While such apparently fickle and impulsive acts are not universal among gnomes, they are common enough for the race as a whole to have earned a reputation for being impetuous and at least a little mad.

Combined with their diminutive sizes, vibrant coloration, and lack of concern for the opinions of others, these attitudes have caused gnomes to be widely regarded by the other races as alien and strange. Gnomes, in turn, are often amazed how alike other common, civilized races are. It seems stranger to a gnome that humans and elves share so many similarities than that the gnomes do not. Indeed, gnomes often confound their allies by treating everyone who is not a gnome as part of a single, vast non-gnome collective race.

Basic Information


Gnomes are one of the smallest of the common races, generally standing just over 3 feet in height. Gnomes have two arms and two legs. They are warm-blooded omnivores with internal skeletons. Both hands have four fingers and one opposable thumb, which allows them to grip and use tools. Their arms are jointed at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Their legs are similar, being jointed at the hip, knee and ankle. Gnomes walk upright.

Genetics and Reproduction

Gnomes are heterosexual and viviparous reproducing sexually and bearing live young. Generally, one child is born at a time, though twins and triplets are not unheard of. Gestation average 128 days for gnomes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Gnomes have a lifespan on average of 380 years though some have been known to live as long as 500 years. Childhood lasts until the age of 30 at which time they are considered young adults and often start their training for adulthood positions. They are generally considered adults around the age of 44, though for some their apprenticeship can last into their nineties. A gnome isn’t considered middle-aged until they reach100 years and aren’t considered old until 150.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Unlike most races, gnomes do not generally organize themselves within classic societal structures. Gnome cities are unusual and gnome kingdoms unknown. Further, gnomes have no particular tendency to gather in specific neighborhoods even when a large number of them live among other races. While specific laws meant to contain the potential impact of gnomes on a society may require a “gnome quarter,” and societal pressure sometimes causes all non-gnomes to move away from areas with high gnome populations, left to their own devices, gnomes tend to spread evenly throughout communities that allow them.

However, even when gnomes are common within a community as a group, individual gnomes tend to be always on the move. Whimsical creatures at heart, they typically travel alone or with temporary companions, ever seeking new and more exciting experiences. They rarely form enduring relationships among themselves or with members of other races, instead pursuing crafts, professions, or collections with a passion that borders on zealotry. If a gnome does settle in an area or stay with a group for a longer period, it is almost always the result of some benefit that area gives to a vocation or obsession to which the gnome had dedicated himself.

Despite their extremely varied backgrounds and lack of a unifying homeland, gnomes do possess some common cultural traits. Male gnomes have a strange fondness for unusual hats and headgear, often wearing the most expensive and ostentatious head-covering they can afford (and that their chosen careers will allow them to wear without causing problems). Females rarely cover their heads, but proudly wear elaborate and eccentric hairstyles that often include intricate jeweled combs and headpieces.

Facial characteristics

Gnomes possess highly mutable facial characteristics, and their proportions often don’t match the norm of other humanoid races. Many have overly large mouths and eyes, an effect which can be both disturbing and stunning, depending on the individual. Others may have extremely small features spread over an otherwise blank expanse of face, or may mix shockingly large eyes with a tiny, pursed mouth and a pert button of a nose.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Although small pockets of gnomes can be found in nearly every corner of Arda they are most common in the Frontier Lands and many believe that this is where their race first arrived on Arda. While many gnomes have made their way to the New Kingdoms, very few have made the journey to the Old Kingdoms.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Gnomes have color vision, with good depth and motion perception and can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. Their hearing has good separation and direction-sensing qualities. Their skin is touch-sensitive. Their senses of taste and smell are not as highly developed as their sight.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Gnomes have only one name. Gnomes have long, ridiculous-sounding, tongue-twisting masculine names, and extremely short feminine names. Gnome male will often go by shortened versions of their give names. It is believed by some that feminine names amongst gnomes are equally as long and tongue-twisting as male masculine names, but that females always go by the shortened form of their name. Since each gnome name is unique, gnomes don’t need to use second names, and only go by their given name.

Some examples of male names include: Alhfrith, Beorhtric, Berwealdwin, Cadwarumhere, Cadweald, Ceolugelwine, Cynedigo, Cynherewald, Eadbehrtfert, Ermenesige, Ermingheah, Frithwulffert, Gilvaether, Grimwold, Guthhererien, Humberth, Leuthelheard, Peohtwald, Piergilsige, Porthristiga, Regislaus, Rhydwulf, Sabeorht, Saebeald, Sylanmor, Theodbeald, Trumweard, Widukind, Wynfrith

Some examples of female names include: Amma, Ary, Avie, Bula, Cali, Cami, Dara, Elda, Evie, Exie, Gena, Hye, Iola, Jea, Kate, Kiz, Lia, Lulu, Mara, May, Mia, Nan, Neva, Paian, Riya, Tara, Vel, Ven, Zara, Zina

Gender Ideals

Like most races gnomes are very egalitarian regarding gender roles. In fact, the idea that someone should be restricted from or to a certain activity based on gender is alien to them. Gnomes are free to sample any experience they are physically capable of regardless of their gender. While gnomes recognize that some races have specific gender roles but they see that as a peculiarity of other races, something to be ignored.

Courtship Ideals

Gnome courtships are varied as anything in gnome lives with no true pattern. Some courtships start when two gnomes have something in common and begin sharing great amounts of time together. Others start when two gnomes decide they want to experience parenthood and decide to do it together.

Relationship Ideals

Most gnomes have numerous intimate relations during their lives, and long-term monogamy and its formality such as marriage is exceedingly rare. Gnome relationships are ones of intention and choice, and this is true of reproduction, as well.

Gnomes are not particularly fecund as a race, but many will at some point decide that starting a family—or at least, having a child—is a new and exciting adventure worth undertaking. Prudent gnomes will employ some form of contraception (either magical or having sexual relations with other races) until they choose to procreate. This decision is generally left to the woman bearing the child. Children are born alert and full of color and life, and quickly progress to walking within six months.

Most gnome families are loosely associated, with gnome children being raised as much by the larger community as by their birth parents. This "detached" relationship can appear even as negligence to other races but is perfectly reasonable to gnomes.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Gnomes speak their racial language, which has one of the largest vocabularies on Arda, but most also speak the Common tongue. In terms of the sheer number of words in its vocabulary, Gnome, or Gnomish, is the largest language known. It has changed dramatically since gnomes first introduced it to Arda, a process which has by no means halted. It shares certain similarities with both Aklo and Sylvan.

Common Dress Code

Gnomes have no customs regarding clothing, and their tastes in clothing vary as much as their appearances do. Some gnomes prefer to dress outlandishly in flashy clothes while others are more subdued. Of course, as with anything gnome related their tastes are bound to change at some point. One thing they generally do have in common is their preference for bright colors.

Male gnomes have a strange fondness for unusual hats and headgear, often wearing the most expensive and ostentatious head-covering they can afford (and that their chosen careers will allow them to wear without causing problems). Females rarely cover their heads, but proudly wear elaborate and eccentric hairstyles that often include intricate jeweled combs and headpieces.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Beings of fey heritage from the First World gnomes seem eccentric and whimsical to other races, and there is some truth to this. Gnomes pursue their passions and interests with a fervor that many other races find unnerving. This in itself would alienate them from other races however their passions can seem extremely silly to outsiders. One gnome may wish to build an ingenious new magic item, while another might wish to taste every kind of fruit there is, and both will pursue their goals with equal obsession. This trait is about the only thing gnomes have in common as a race, but this obsession serves a very important purpose.

The First World, from which the gnomish race originally hails, is a land of wild imaginations and impossibility, where the Eldest of that plane have the power to reshape reality on a whim. Even though Arda has magic and other fantastical wonders, it is nevertheless based on a physical reality that is constant and unchanging. Because of their heritage, gnomes have difficulty coping with and accepting this reality, and must therefore constantly strive to innovate, dream, and take in new experiences. Those who fail to do so become bored and slowly accept our reality, succumbing to a condition only experienced by gnomes: the Bleaching.

The Bleaching begins to manifest in early adulthood, and is characterized by a blanching of skin, hair, and eye color. The complexion of the gnomish body is tied to the experiences she alights upon. The more shocking and vivid a gnome's life, the more vivid in color she herself becomes. In contrast, a lack of excitement causes a fading of color and is accompanied by depression and the dulling of curiosity, heralding the beginning of a vicious spiral that leads to insanity and death. This rapid ageing causes some to believe that gnomes are immune to normal aging, which is untrue. Gnomes age like other humanoid races, but are quite long-lived, almost as long-lived as elves. They simply must contend with the effects of the Bleaching in addition to their normal aging. As gnomes age naturally, they require increasing amounts of excitement and new experiences to stave off the Bleaching, a condition that runs counter to the greater familial and social responsibility expected of older gnomes. This pressure can cause aging gnomes to commit very foolish acts that lead to their death.


The history of the gnome race does not begin on Arda, but in the First World, the realm of the fey. The gnomes were once an ancient, immortal, and mischievous fey race themselves, and were happy with life in their realm of endless wonder where they had eternity to indulge their curiosity and whimsy. They are believed to have been closely related to leprechauns.

Sometime between the fall of the Xulgath Empire (-4024), and the rise of the Iliosgy (-3826) many gnomes left the First World and migrated to Arda, although some gnomes remained behind, and continue to live an immortal existence there to this day. The reason for this migration is not clear. One plausible theory is that the ever-curious gnomes were intrigued by the cycle of death which occurred on the Material Plane. They travelled here in the hope of gaining souls and taking part in the cycle. This was denied to them, as only beings born on the Material Plane can gain souls. However, those who stayed and procreated found that their children had souls, and thus were able to pass on to the afterlife if they died.

Other sources claim that the reason for their exodus was much darker, that a cataclysm of some sort forced them to flee the First World. The Eldest Shyka believes that a large group of gnomes were expelled from the first world to the material plane by Dayyanum for worshipping another Eldest, whose name has been long since forgotten, who stole a piece of the River of Souls to create a semblance of mortality on the first world as a game.

Those gnomes who settled in the Underdark, rather than on the surface, changed over the following millennia and became svirfneblin (or deep gnomes). They claim to have been forced out of the First World by a calamity, for which they hold the dark fey of the Court of Ether at least partly responsible.

The time after they first arrived in Arda was a perilous time for the gnome race. This was when they first suffered from the Bleaching, which continues to claim many. They also lost their ability to manipulate shadow, and with their main form of defense gone, many gnomes fell victim to predators. During this period, gnomes were nearly rendered extinct. They eventually began to adapt to life on Arda, forming enclaves to help protect them from the hostile world. Since then, gnomes have become an accepted part of life on Arda.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Gnomes have difficulty interacting with the other races, on both emotional and physical levels. In many ways the very fact other races see gnomes as odd is itself the thing gnomes find most odd about other races, and this leads to a strong lack of common ground upon which understanding, and relationships can be built. When two gnomes encounter one another, they generally assume some mutually beneficial arrangement can be reached, no matter how different their beliefs and traditions may be. Even if this turns out not to be the case, the gnomes continue to look for commonalities in their dealings with each other. The inability or unwillingness of members of other races to make the same effort when dealing with gnomes is both frustrating and confusing to most gnomes.

In many ways, it is gnomes’ strong connection to a wide range of apparently unconnected ideas that makes it difficult for other races to build relationships with them. Gnome humor, for example, is often focused on physical pranks, nonsensical rhyming nicknames, and efforts to convince others of outrageous lies that strain all credibility. Gnomes find such efforts hysterically funny, but their pranks often come across as malicious or senseless to other races, while gnomes in turn tend to think of the taller races as dull and lumbering giants. Gnomes get along reasonably well with halflings and humans, who at least have some traditions of bizarre, gnome-like humor. Gnomes generally feel dwarves and half-orcs need to lighten up and attempt to bring levity into their lives with tricks, jokes, and outrageous tales the dourer races simply cannot see the sense of. Gnomes respect elves, but often grow frustrated with the slow pace at which members of the long-lived race make decisions. To gnomes, action is always better than inaction, and many gnomes always carry several highly involved projects with them to keep themselves entertained during rest periods.
380 years
Average Height
oMen: 3'6" Women: 3;3"
Average Weight
Men: 40 lbs. Women: 35 lbs.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The coloration of gnomes varies so wildly that many outsiders assume gnomes commonly use dyes and illusions to change their skin and hair tones. While gnomes are certainly not above cosmetic enhancement (and may wish to change their appearance just to see how outlandish they can look), their natural hues truly range over a rainbow of coloration. Their hair tends toward vibrant colors such as the fiery orange of autumn leaves, the verdant green of forests at springtime, or the deep reds and purples of wildflowers in bloom. Similarly, their flesh tones range from earthy browns to floral pinks, and gnomes with black, pastel blue, or even green skin are not unknown. Gnomes’ coloration has little regard for heredity, with the color of a gnome’s parents and other kin having no apparent bearing on the gnome’s appearance.
Geographic Distribution

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