Dwarf Species in Arda | World Anvil
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Dwarves are short and stocky humanoids that prefer to dwell beneath the earth usually in grand mountain fortresses carved from the rocks. While often seen as stern and humorless they are loyal to a fault. They are best known for mining treasures out of the earth and crafting magnificent items from what they dig up. Dwarves have a strong affinity for the treasures of the earth, working stone, metal, and gemstones with equal, unrivalled skill. Most dwarves are traditionalists and isolationists, sometimes to the extent of xenophobia,

Basic Information


Typical adult Dwarf males are approximately 4’2” tall with females averaging 2 inches shorter and have two arms and two legs with wide compact bodies They are warm blooded omnivores with internal skeletons. Both hands have four fingers and one opposable thumb, which allows them to grip and use tools. Their arms are jointed at the shoulder, elbow and wrist. Their legs are similar, being jointed at the hip, knee and ankle. They have thick, heavy bones, tightly packed muscular sinew, and stability unmatched by other races. Dwarves walk upright.

Despite living most of their lives belowground dwarves tend towards dark skin with complexions ranging from medium white to dark brown. Hair color covers the same ranges as humans with blonde hair being uncommon and red hair quite frequent. Male and female dwarves pride themselves on the long length of their hair, and men often decorate their beards with a variety of clasps and intricate braids. Clean-shavenness on a male dwarf is a sure sign of madness, or worse—no one familiar with their race trusts a beardless dwarven man. Popular beard decorations among more traditional dwarves include complicated braids, small trophies of battle, or other objects associated with significant life events. Dwarves have a wide range of eye color, with brown and grey being the most common, though some possess shocking blue irises. Dwarf females have only one pair of mammaries which they use to nurse their young. Appearance is hardly random, of course, and familial, clan, or national commonalities often allow the knowledgeable to identify a dwarf’s place of origin on sight, or at least to hazard a good guess.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarves reproduce sexually, are viviparous, and have an average gestation period of 299 days, slightly less than ten months. Dwarves generally produce only a single child with each pregnancy though 1 in 1000 pregnancies result in twins. It’s unheard of for dwarves to bear triplets or more.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves have an average lifespan of 360 years with some living as long as 450. Dwarves re considered to reach adulthood at around the age of 45, though some continue their apprenticeships well after that. Long lived dwarves are not considered middle-aged until around 125 years and are not considered old until the ripe age of 188.

Ecology and Habitats

Dwarves prefer to live underground usually beneath high mountains where they can more readily find the treasure that they covet. In their rocky homes they carve elaborate underground cities from the very rock, usually built around a great forge where the dwarves work ceaselessly at crafting all manner of things. Most dwarves cultivate various grains and vegetables on the surface atop their fortresses and various edible fungi within them. They also herd mountain sheep and goats for wool and meat and leather.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Dwarven senses are roughly the same as those of human, with the exception that dwarves possess the ability to see perfectly (albeit in black and white) in darkness up to 60 ft..

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Every dwarf is given a name at birth by its parents, however that name is always kept secret shared only with the clan priest and the closest relatives. On the dwarf’s first birthday, sometimes called his naming day, the dwarf’s name is revealed to the clan at large by the clan priest. In addition to their given name dwarves also have a clan name which serves much the same function as the surname amongst humans or the family name amongst elves. In addition to their clan name dwarves also often adopt the name of their stronghold as a surname, so dwarves often go by three names in the outside world, though within their underground cities two names suffice.

Beauty Ideals

Dwarven beauty ideals vary slightly from stronghold to stronghold. On the whole dwarves admire long hair, the longer the better, for males this includes long beards. Consequently, dwarves spend a lot of time grooming their hair and beards, often tying them up in elaborate braids and weaving trinkets of precious metal and jewelry into it.

Gender Ideals

Dwarves are very egalitarian when it comes to gender roles, with female dwarves being afforded the same rights and privileges as males, except where biological differences determine things otherwise. Interestingly dwarven families are usually matriarchal in nature with the eldest female making the decisions. The same holds true for dwarven clans with the clan leader almost always being a female. However, dwarven males generally run the strongholds with each dwarven stronghold being ruled by a king.

Courtship Ideals

Most dwarven marriages are arranged by clan heads between members of different clans. Dwarves almost never marry someone from their own clan. Because dwarven males outnumber females two to one polygamy is common with most dwarven females having more than one husband. Dwarves generally have a courtship period that ranges from one to five years with the potential couple often living together, sometimes at one clan’s home sometimes at the other.

Dwarves seldom marry for love though there is an exception amongst the dwarves who travel outside their strongholds into the lands of other races. Dwarven traditionalists see this as these individuals picking up the non-dwarven habits of other races. These dwarves are also the ones who practice monogamy and generally have shorter courtships.

Relationship Ideals

Dwarves practice lifelong marriage, though the marriages are usually polygamous with dwarven women having more than one husband. Dwarves are expected to be faithful to their marriage partners with adultery being rare and those who are caught in adultery being seriously shamed. This is in fact one of the few reasons a male will be compelled to shave his beard. Divorce while exceptionally rare is not unheard of, though the common reasons for divorce are adultery and abuse. While marriages are usually arranged by the clan matriarchs the dwarves involved can object if they have good reason. However, most go through with the marriage to uphold the honor of their clans.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The dwarven language called Uvduh by the dwarves is pretty much standard amongst all the dwarven kingdoms of the Tågbaf mountains. However, each stronghold has its own accent and sometimes dialect. While these dialects can be confusing to an outsider the dialects are usually easily understood by a native speaker. Those rare dwarves who come from the east also speak a variation of dwarvish, somewhat more difficult for a speaker of a Tågbaf dialect to understand, but still Uvduh. This gives some truth to the dwarves’ legend of a common origin.

Common Etiquette Rules

Dwarves are very hidebound and have exacting rules of etiquette. While these rules can seem byzantine and confusing to non-dwarves, they make perfect sense to dwarves. To a dwarf the other races with their loose rules seem chaotic and unpredictable. A dwarf knows his or her place in society and accepts their role with quiet dignity and pride. Some common rules of dwarven etiquette include;
If you’re seated at a table with eight or fewer guests, wait until everyone is served and for the hostess to begin eating before you dig in. At a long banquet table, it’s OK to start when several people are seated and served.
They would be appalled if you let out even the tiniest belch. In fact, it could mean social ruin. And don’t even think about letting one rip, any form of passing gas would be beyond social redemption.
Dwarves dress up for meals and would never show up to a meal in their work attire.
Discretion is taken to heart and disgracing one’s clan with scandal was the ultimate betrayal.
Proper introductions are important amongst dwarves, and it is considered rude to approach a dwarf of higher station without an invitation and introduction.
Discussing politics in the company of guests is deemed to be exceptionally rude.
After attending a party, it is expected that one is courteous and thank his/her host.
A dwarven woman would never leave a social event without an escort, either an older relative or her husband.
Rules of etiquette applied to children as well, there was no running around during mealtimes though children often ate separately from adults.
Children are taught to never talk back to older people especially their father and mother and never argue with their elders, they know best.
Children are expected to never allow their parents to bring them a chair and never allow them to get one for themselves. Wait on them, instead of being waited on.
When playing a game, if possible, do not violate the rules of the game and do not cheat. Should you observe anyone cheating, quietly and very politely call it to his attention, and be careful that you do not get excited.
If a dwarf is invited to sing and felt up to it, he has to comply immediately with the request. If, however, he refuses, he is to remain firm in the refusal as to yield after once refusing is a breach of etiquette. Of course, most dwarves would never refuse an opportunity to sing.
Male dwarves are particular with how they behave towards the female of the race, and common rules of etiquette for males to females include: standing when a lady enters a room, standing when a lady stands, offering a lady his seat if no other seat is available, assist a lady with her chair when she sits or stands, especially at a table, retrieve dropped items for a lady, help a lady with her coat, cloak, or shawl, offer to bring her refreshments if available, and offer your arm to escort a lady (with whom you are acquainted) into or out of a building or a room at all social events, and whenever walking on uneven ground.
A gentleman, while dancing with a lady, should pay almost exclusive attention to her; and at the close of a dance ask her to take refreshments.
It is definitely considered vulgar to be ogling other women while your girl was around.
If a crowd is present, and a dwarf has occasion to make his way, he will proceed most carefully—haste would be very rude and inexcusable; the danger of soiling, or tearing, or disarranging a lady’s costume forbids any dwarf from making a careless step.
When shaking hands, one must apply only gentle pressure and slight movement from the wrist. And of course, a dwarf man never initiates taking a lady’s hand.

Common Dress Code

Dwarves are exacting in their formal dress as in every other aspect of their lives. While work attire and travelling clothes are allowed to be worn and dirty, a dwarf always shows up to a social event in clean formal wear. For a male this consists of pants held up by suspenders, a shirt, vest, and coat. For ladies this consists of long dresses with tight waists. While dwarves who are travelling amongst other races will sometimes relax these restrictions, they usually pick them back up when in a dwarven stronghold.


According to the dwarves they are the children of Vuori his special creation, made to plumb the depths of the earth in search of the metals and gems hidden within. While the dwarves seem to be limited to the Tågbaf mountains their tales and lore contain references to dwarven communities in mountain ranges further to the east, and indeed dwarves have occasionally been encountered in the Frontier Lands from lands to the east. According to the dwarven legends they have mined the Tågbaf mountains since creation delving deeper and deeper, into the mountains.

According to dwarven legend there was initially six kingdoms established by Vuori, these kingdoms were long since abandoned as the mines they were built over played out and the inhabitants migrated to new locations in search of more treasure to mine. While the dwarves have records of their kingdoms going back to the original six, though the locations of the earliest dwarven kingdoms have been lost in the mists of time. The dwarves keep meticulous records of their lineage and history and are probably the best recorded race in the realms.

The dwarf’s history is not one of peaceful delving, for they have been at war almost from the time of creation. Wars with the orcs of the Tågbaf mountains since the creation of both races. The orcs covet the dwarven cities and the treasures contained within and see the dwarves as perfect slaves. The results being that orcs attack dwarves almost on sight and the dwarves return the favor. While the dwarves are better organized with better weapons and tactics the orcs rapidly outbreed them the results being a sort of stalemate with the orcs winning occasionally and overrunning a dwarven city and more often the dwarves repulsing the orcs and nearly wiping out the attacking tribe. The dwarves have learned from hard experience that treating with the orcs is a waste of time, and that the best approach is extermination.

If the dwarves have a feud with orcs their wars with the giants are legendary. While the hill giants and ogres are an occasional nuisance to dwarves it is the fire and frost giants they have truly warred with. Those two races of giants are more than a match for the dwarves. The frost giants are not as organized as the dwarves preferring to raid for treasure and slaves. However, they are more numerous then their fire giant cousins. The fire giants on the other hand match the dwarves in organization and martial skill, even surpassing it with their total devotion to war. While the dwarf’s wars with the giants are, if anything, even more ferocious than their wars with the orcs, they are less frequent as it takes the giants much longer to recover from their losses. Like the orcs the wars with the giants have gone both ways with the dwarves winning sometimes and repulsing their foes and the giants winning and over running their diminutive opponents.

In recent times the dwarves have become less isolationist with many setting out from their mountain homes in search of adventure. This means that dwarven wanderers have become more common especially in the Frontier Lands. Exactly why the dwarves are becoming more frequently seen amongst other races is a mystery and the dwarves are tightlipped about it, acting as if nothing has changed.
360 years
Average Height
Average Weight
185 lbs

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