Welcome to Arcona in Arcona | World Anvil
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Welcome to Arcona


Arcona was once a thriving magical world until many dissasters struck. The land was left split up and broken, want to know more about Arcona and it's many beautifull landmarks? Then you should continue reading!  

|The countries of Arcona|

  Arcona is split up in three seperate countries who once formed one. But war struck and broke them appart, read the article I made about the war to know more. But now the countries.  


Exrandia is the magical land located on the east of this worlds main continant. It's small but yet very imporatant. Exrandia is home to the central point of all the trading routes across the world: The merchant's city of Hallan, with it's many narrow streets and big houses, this is a city of light and life. Exrandia is also home to the crystal of magic. After the war the magic in this world started to fate away, but by storing the last bit of it in a crystal it could be saved, the crystal is now the keeper of balance and many people pray to the so called crafter of magic who is said to gaurd the crystal. Behind the crystal you will find an enormous forest with a tower standing tall above the trees. This is the tower of the riders city of tarragorn, here the riders live, a mysteryous group of people who are said to live in peace with dragons, even taming them.  


Nehemonia is the land of humans, it was once filled with magic and wonder, now there is barely nothing left. A few examples are Wondorus, the city of wonders. This city is still filled with magical builings and still runs on magic even though the king is trying to find a way to make it run on it's own. Past the river lies a somekind of magical land, were magical creatures with no were else to go find their home, Technicly it's a part of the human kingdom but because of the wild river no one can cross it.  


Flirandia is the mysterious magical country past the deadly mountains. Not a lot in known about Flirandia since no one who ever went there came back.

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