Telepathy in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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You can cast this spell to bring people's minds together. When cast, a number of people within range up to your Magic Power can choose to join your mental network (you don't count against this limit). The effect lasts as long as you concentrate, but anyone who leaves your Range is out of the network until they get within your range again. At the cantrip level, everyone in the network can share thoughts and speak telepathically, meaning they can communicate without being overheard, without the misunderstanding and mess that is verbal speech. Everyone affected gets advantage on all social rolls used on anyone else in the network, with the exception of trying to deceive, which is at disadvantage.  


This acts as the cantrip version, but now everyone in the network begin to pool their knowledge and experience, as well as their sensory experiences. Everyone in the network automatically gets an advantage on any skill rolls associated with Intuition, Logic, or Soul. Casting is not benefitted unless someone else in the party also is familiar with the Domain you are casting from. Your Magic Power acts as an assistance bonus for all these actions as well.  


This acts as the great version, but now the connection is deeper. Any time someone in the network takes Spirit loss, anyone else in the network may choose to take some of that spirit loss in their place. The original person who faced the Spirit loss must take half of it, rounded up, but the rest can be taken by anyone else in the network. This sharing of Spirit extends to the cost of casting this spell.  


Now, you are one. This works as the superior version with some additional benefits. Everyone in the network can transfer Spirit to each other at will, and the burden of concentrating on any spell but this one can be borne by anyone in the network, not necessarily the one who cast it. Everyone can immediately treat one of their mental traumas, and any traumas inflicted on someone in the network is automatically treated.   Even after this connection is severed, the connection formed led to a level of understanding that permanently changes the group. Forever after, you will all have advantage on all Empathy rolls on anyone within the group.

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