Statue Form in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Statue Form

As with most transformation spells, all of your held items and worn equipment are transformed with you, and grant you no benefit while you’re transformed. They maintain their shape in this instance, but are made of pure stone.  


This acts as the great version, except you cannot move at all.  


This turns you into a statue version of yourself as long as you concentrate. Any equipment you have on hand are non-functional; a stone sword will do the same damage as a sword fist for you. Your weight is multiplied by your Magic Power and you gain damage reduction equal to the same while your Agility falls to just 1. Add half your Magic Power rounded up as a bonus to Stamina and rounded down to Strength for the duration. You are immune to any status effects that wouldn't hurt a living statue, such as poison.  


This acts as the great version, but now your Agility is merely halved, rounded up. And you gain an additional number of Health equal to your Magic Power.  


This acts as the superior version, but it lasts for a day without need for concentration.

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