Sound of Silence in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Sound of Silence

This is the opposite of a song, blotting out sound. It still follows the song magic rules.  


This adds your Magic Power as an assist bonus to everyone in the zone for stealthy actions, but puts all spellcasting and verbal skills at a disadvantage. Spellcasters avoid this penalty if they can cast without speaking. This continues as long as you keep playing.   


This acts as the cantrip version, but it also keeps anyone from making noise or hearing anything, and consequently renders them outside the purview of other musical spells. This continues as long as you keep playing. This also prevents casters from casting since they cannot speak. (Casters who can cast without verbal components suffer no such penalties.)   


This acts as the great version, but now affects everyone in range. All stealthy actions are at an advantage.  


You control all sound in range, silencing who you will and making any sound echo boomingly in the otherwise quiet atmosphere if you wish. You can also choose who hears what, so your allies can speak to each other without your enemies overhearing them (or each other for that matter). This continues as long as you keep playing.

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