Soothing Melody in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Soothing Melody

This song brings healing to the soul. It follows the song magic rules.  


This acts as the empathy roll to clear out mental statuses from everyone in range. As you continue playing, anyone trying to inflict a mental status or deplete someone's Spirit must beat your casting roll.   


This restores 1 Spirit to everyone in range except yourself. It also acts as the cantrip version. Continuing to restore Spirit requires you to spend 1 Spirit yourself each turn you continue to play.   


This acts as the Great version except you can restore Spirit to yourself and you no longer expend Spirit as you continue to play.   


This cures a form of mental trauma from every listener in range, a number up to your Magic Power plus 1. It can instead bring a single person up out of the depths of madness.

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