Sense Magic in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Sense Magic


This allows you to sense if the target is under any magical effects, but does not give you any more information such as what those effects might be or how many there are.  


At a duration of concentration, you may sense the presence of any magic in range, be it an enchanted item, a caster sustaining a spell, or a magical effect. You also learn the Domain of magic. While this spell is active, you are at a disadvantage on all rolls to spot things that have no magical energy surrounding them, but you can easily see spells being cast and creatures carrying magical items as well as anything under a magical effect of any kind. Without concentration, this allows you to analyze a single magical effect.  


This acts as the great version, but now you know in detail what the spell is and what it does.  


This allows you to understand a spell being cast on such a fundamental level that you permanently add it to your spells list, associated with the same Domain you cast this spell.

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