Petrify in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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This spell slowly but surely turns the target to stone.  


This reduces the target's maximum hit points by half your magic power rounded up, for as long as you concentrate, as a small part of their skin turns to stone.  


This deals damage to the target equal to your Magic Power on the first turn, but if you continue to concentrate, the effect gets worse. On the second turn, the target rolls soul/warding to resist and if they fail you roll on the injury table. They have the treated form of an injury as part of their bdy solidifies. On the third turn, they repeat the save, and on a failure it's the untreated form of the injury as more of their body solidifies. On the fourth turn, they are petrified and dead.  


This acts as the great version, but the effect no longer requires concentration and the effects do not go away when the spell ends. Alternatively, you may incorporate the great version into a weapon attack.  


This acts as the superior version, but the target is turned into a valuable substance like gold or diamond. Alternatively, you may achieve the untreated injury on the first turn, and the total petrification on the second turn.

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