Painful Racket in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Painful Racket

This is not so much a song as it is a cacaphonous, atonal, and painful mess. It still follows the song magic rules.  


Anyone trying to affect a target in range must beat your Magic Power with any roll that depends on the target hearing them. This includes with other magic songs. The effect lasts as long as you continue playing.  


This grants all the benefits of the cantrip version plus it saps everyone in Range but you 1 Spirit. Characters with plugged ears do not take this penalty.  


This grants all the effects of the cantrip and great versions, plus it saps all the targets half of your Magic Power rounded to the nearest whole in Spirit, unaffected by any damage reduction. This also breaks concentration, and continues as long as you keep playing.   


This deals your Magic power in physical damage to everyone in range unaffected by damage reduction, on top of all the effects of the superior version. You can leave out a number of allies equal to your Soul rating.

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