Metamorphose (Generic) in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Metamorphose (Generic)

This is a generic spell that transforms the target into a specific creature, usually a weak creature, of your choosing. You can learn it multiple times, each time for a different creature. All such creatures follow the Quick Character rules.  


This gives the target a single superficial feature of your choosing for the creature, such as ears, tail, face, or somesuch. This remains as long as you concentrate.  


This turns the target completely into the creature. If it has a high stat and low stat, those stats remain unchanged. If it has a limit, the target now has a high stat equal to that limit and a low stat equal to half of that, rounded up. Their maximum HP can go no lower than 5 plus their high stat and no higher than 10 plus twice their high stat. If your Magic Power is less than the target's high stat or limit, this has no effect. This effect lasts as long as you concentrate.  


This acts as the great version, but now you can lower the new high stat by an amount equal to your Magic Power minus the target's high stat or limit. The low stat is lowered proportionately. So if the target's high stat is 5, and your Magic Power is 7, their new high stat is 3. This would also lower their low stat from 3 to 2. If your Magic Power is less than the target's high stat or limit, this has the effect of the great version of the spell, but without the failure due to your Magic Power being too low.   If you wish to strengthen the target rather than weaken it, their new high stat is equal to your Magic Power.   Either way, this lasts as long as their  


This permanently transforms the target as per the superior version. Incredible cursebreaking efforts are required to undo it.

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