Lightning Form in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Lightning Form


You spark into lightning briefly. While you concentrate, anyone who hits you with a melee attack but ties your Defense roll takes your Magic Power in electric damage.  


This turns you into lightning for an instant, allowing you to move to anywhere in range as a bolt of electricity, almost like teleportation. You can hit someone along the way if you wish. If they pass their Warding roll, you take their Warding skill in damage and are stopped in the zone with them. If they fail, they take your Magic Power in damage and you end up where you aimed to go.   


This transforms you into living lightning as long as you concentrate. You can only be damaged by conductive weapons, such as brass or iron, or by being hit with something that is conductive like salt water. A wooden-shaft spear or arrow won't count. A thrown dagger will. You have advantage to defend, since you move like lightning. This grants you all the benefits of the cantrip version, plus you can move every turn as per the great version, at a cost of 1 Spirit each time.   


This acts as the superior version, but it lasts for an hour without requiring concentration.

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