Inspiring Ballad in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Inspiring Ballad

This spell puts an idea in the crowd's head, and starts to inspire them to take action on it. You must pick a single idea, as vague or specific as you like, but it must be the exact same idea for everyone. People have advantage to resist the effect if acting on the idea puts them in jeopardy. If the spell tries to compel someone to carry out something they cannot consciously do or they are incapable of doing, it has no effect on that person. Once the target has paid the Spirit cost to avoid the impulse, they are no longer subject to the same impulse for 1 week, though they can still be hit by a social skill pressuring them to do the same.   This follows the Song Magic Rules.  


Every person in range who hears this has a disadvantage to resist any social roll to get them to act on the idea.  


This acts like the cantrip version, but now the target takes a compulsion to carry out the act. It lasts as long as you keep playing.  


This acts as the great version, but the target loses half your Magic Power rounded up in Spirit, plus taking a compulsion as long as you are continuing to play and they are continuing to hear.  


This acts as the superior version, but now for your full Magic power the first turn and each turn thereafter. You can leave some targets unaffected, such as allies.

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