Injury and Trauma Tables in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Injury and Trauma Tables

Injury Table

2) Head Wound: You get a trauma from the trauma table instead of an injury.
Treated: When treated as an injury, get the treated form of the trauma.   3) Injured Jaw: You can barely talk. People might be able to understand your mumblings, but your social skills and spells automatically fail.
Treated: You now only have a disadvantage when it comes to speaking. You also have one on casting unless you can cast while silenced.   4) Excruciating Pain: You cannot concentrate and you have a disadvantage on all physical actions.
Treated: You cannot concentrate.   5) Broken Item: An item of the GM’s choice of yours is broken, and this doesn't count as an injury. If you are holding no items, treat this as a general wound.
Treated: Treat this with the appropriate crafting skill with the difficulty equal to the object’s quality. On a success, the object’s quality is reduced by 1, but it is no longer broken. Certain legendary items cannot be broken.   6) Stomach Wound: You cannot wear armor and your carrying capacity is reduced to twice your strength in pounds. You also have -1 maximum hit points.*
Treated: Your armor bearing is reduced by 1 tier.   7) General Wound: Your body is weakened. You also have -2 max hit points.* The effects of multiple general wounds stack.
Treated: -1 maximum Health.*   8) Limp: One of your legs is hurt. Reduce your speed by 1 and take a disadvantage on all Athletics rolls. The effects of multiple limps stack.
Treated: You have -1 speed.   9) Arm Wound: One of your arms is no longer functional. You now only have 1 available hand for taking actions. And take a disadvantage on actions that require 2 hands. If you lose both arms, you can’t do anything that would require hands.
Treated: You can’t equip 2-handed items, you can only equip items in your main hand. But you don’t take disadvantage on 2-handed actions since your other hand works a bit.   10) Chakra Hit: The connection between body and soul is weakened. Halve your Magic Power, rounded down. If this puts your Magic Power below what is required to maintain your attunements, you must immediately sacrifice a number of attunements enough to return your Magic Power to 0. If you don’t, you pass out until those attunements are severed.
Treated: You have -1 Magic Power.   11) Missing Eye: You have trouble with depth perception. If your range is higher than 1, reduce it to 1. If you lose both eyes you are blind.
Treated: You have -1 Range, but no lower than 1.   12) Flesh Wound: You are at -1 Maximum Health.*
Treated: Treating this injury cures it completely.  

Trauma Table

2) Psychosomatic Injury: Roll once on the injuries table. You think you a similar injury with similar effects, even though no physical problems are present.
Treated: This acts as the treated injury.   3) Sensitivity: Any time you take a hit, it disrupts your concentration. If you have an ability that makes you immune to losing concentration, lose that ability instead and your concentration is now potentially broken by injuries as normal.
Treated: Every time you take a hit, roll to maintain concentration on your spells as if you'd taken in an injury. If you have an ability that makes you immune to losing concentration, it acts as normal and this has minimal effect.   4) Night Terrors: Some nights you feel like a demon is sitting on your chest, trying to steal your soul. You are paralyzed and can't move until this passes, unless you are touched. Every night you sleep, roll a fudge die, on a - this occurs, and you gain no benefit to resting that night.
Treated: This only has a 1/6 chance of happening instead.   5) Insomnia: You don't sleep well at night. Only restore half as much Spirit upon a night's rest.
Treated:   6) Depression: You have trouble finding joy and happiness in your life. Reduce your maximum Spirit to half, rounded up.
Treated: Your Maximum Spirit is at -1 instead.   7) Personality Change: Every other player at the table lists a personality trait of yours. Instead of suggesting, you get to veto one trait. The GM then picks from the remaining traits that is reversed. So if you were kind, you become mean. Or if you were reckless, you become careful.
Treated:   8) Crisis of Faith: You lose faith in yourself, your magic, and your archon. Halve your Magic Power, rounded down.
Treated: You are at -1 Magic Power instead.   9) Shriveling Confidence: You take double social pressure.
Treated: You take +1 social pressure.   10) Phobia: Whatever caused your trauma you are now intensely afraid of and cannot stand to face.
Treated: You lose 1 Spirit every time you face your phobia, but you can handle it.   11) Hallucinations: Whenever you roll Perception, the GM secretly flips a coin. On a heads, you perceive as normally. On a tails, you see something that isn't there. You are free to believe or not believe whatever you saw.
Treated: You now have a 1 in 3 chance to see something that isn't there.   12) Latent Trauma: You don't have any negative effects. Yet.
Treated: There's nothing to treat.

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