Holy Smite in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Holy Smite


This deals holy damage equal to your Magic Power.  


This deals holy damage equal to your Magic Power plus your Soul rating. Or you can incorporate the cantrip version into a weapon attack.  


This deals holy damage equal to your Magic Power plus your Soul rating and prevents them from harming anyone on their next turn. Or you can incorporate the great version into a weapon attack.  


The target takes your Magic Power times their level of evil in holy damage. Here’s a rough guideline for the GM on how to calculate the multiplier:
  1. The target is a literal saint, and righteousness flows through everything they do.
  2. The target has dedicated themselves to a holy mission and seeks to do right in all their dealings, without pride or hypocrisy.
  3. The target usually tries to do what is right, but sometimes comes up short.
  4. The target does good things more often than they do bad.
  5. The target does bad things more often than they do good.
  6. The target does a few small things to justify to themselves that they’re a good person, but they ignore anything that gets in the way of them doing what they want.
  7. The target will do anything to feed their pride, especially hurting people. They’ve murdered, lied, stolen, and tortured, and they’ll gladly do any of those again.

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