Foresight in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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You can use this to get an assistance bonus on any task which would benefit from seeing a few seconds into the future. The bonus is equal to your Magic Power.  


At a duration of concentration, you can see into the future a second or two, not enough for long-term prediction, but plenty to avoid danger. You are always on full defense without needing to use an action, and you are never caught off guard or flat-footed. This also grants the assistance bonus mentioned in the cantrip version.  


This allows you to see vague possibilities in the future, and being forewarned, you can change the outcome. Roll a number of dice equal to your Magic Power, and write down the numbers that come up. Choose any mixture of factor, fudge, or regular dice. At any point in the future, you can replace any die rolled by you, an ally, or an enemy with one of the numbers you rolled. Each number can only be used once. After 24 hours have passed, any remaining numbers are gone.  


This allows you to make a prophecy about the future. The GM is not obligated to make sure this prophecy comes true, but if you work with them on it, they probably will. Mechanically, the spell allows you to specify an outcome and any time someone takes an action that would lead to the outcome coming true, and the decisive factor is luck, they can use your Magic Power at the time in place of the result of the luck die. Once the prophecy has been fulfilled, even if in a way you didn’t necessarily intend, the effect ends.

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