Command Sound in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Command Sound

This allows you to manipulate sounds. If you know the spell Blast of Thunder you can also deafen anyone you target with this spell for a number of turns equal to your Magic Power, if you wish.  


This allows you to multiply a sound's intensity by your Magic Power (though not to the point of doing more damage), eliminate a single noise up to a shout in intensity, or create a particular sound in intensity from a whisper to a shout. You can add zones of range equal to your Magic Power to a person's range with social skill. You can let someone's voice echo throughout the courtyard or silence a person's speaking (which can prevent them from casting magic). You can cover up the sound of someone's movement making them impossible to hear, and granting your Magic Power as an assistance bonus to their stealth. The effect lasts as long as you concentrate.  


This acts the cantrip version, but allows you to control a number of sounds in the targeted zone equal to your Magic Power, potentially having a different affect on each.  


This acts as the great version, but now for your entire range, and a number of additional sounds equal to your Soul rating.  


This controls all sound in range as long as you concentrate. No one hears anything but what you let them hear, and it can be different for each person. Anyone trying to chant the words of a spell must have your approval.

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