Clothing in Archons Decisive Factor System | World Anvil
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Nice Outfit

6 aquills x quality
These are clothes sufficient for most interations that make you look good and grant an assistance bonus to social interactions such as Influence, Empathy, or Performance, as well as Willpower to resist social effects since the clothes grant you confidence.  

Disguise Kit

4 aquills x quality
This grants you an assistance bonus to making yourself look like someone else. It comes with hair dyes, false noses, wigs, and the like.  

Stealth Garb

3 aquills x quality
This clothing grants an assistance bonus to sneaking around, due to padded soles, dark coloration, and breaking up your form while still being a subtle design.  

Running Shoes

4 aquills x quality
These grant an assistance bonus to running, jumping, and climbing, in fact, most uses of the Athletics skill besides swimming. They cannot be worn with heavy armor, which requires heavy sabatons.  


1 aquill x quality
These grant an assistance bonus to swimming. They cannot be worn with heavy armor, which requires heavy sabatons.

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