Khuluran Language Language in Archon Galaxy | World Anvil
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Khuluran Language

The Khuluran language is descended from the language of old Khulura, and is the native language of the Vishith of Aikhulura. It is a very succinct, direct language, with no room for flowery words. Adjectives are tacked directly to the beginning of the noun, thus any word with more than a couple adjectives describing it can quickly become lengthy and ridiculous. As the Vishith are a monogender race, pronouns in Khuluran are exclusively neuter. In fact, words for "male," "female," "woman" and "man" are all loan words from other languages.   Works of prose translated into the Khuluran language by a native speaker frequently have their descriptions trimmed down by the translator in order to sound more natural with the language. Translations done by non-native speakers tend to keep more of the original descriptions, resulting in longer words that stick out like a sore thumb to any native speaker. These translations, though more true to the original work, tend to be less popular among the general audience. The most skilled translators find ways to use more precise language to convey the same meaning without sacrificing the readability of shorter Khuluran descriptions. Conversely, works translated from Khuluran to other languages often have their descriptions filled out and expanded somewhat, so as to sound more natural in the new language.

Geographical Distribution

Khuluran is the primary Vishith language for the entire planet of Aikhulura. There are a number of variants across Khulura and Khuluran speakers on other planets, but they all stem from the original Khuluran language that came with the Vishith when they first came to their new planet, Aikhulura.


Adjectives are appended directly to the front of the noun they describe. It is considered silly, or even ridiculous, to use more than 2-3 adjectives.
Common Phrases
"Lovely pretty flower words," which is used to mean unnecessarily long descriptions

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