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Archian is a colder world around a sunlike star with technology comparable the early renaissance era. Summers are harsh, and winters even harsher. The people are tough, as they have to be to stay alive. Crops are only grown in the south, so food for the north is hunted and traded for. This allows the south to have a certain advantage over the northern towns. Few posses the abilities to harness the Arcane, and fewer still are able to perform spells.   The Casabus Empire's goal is to conquer the entire continent and purge what they consider the 'unpure'. Races such as the Dwarves and Werecats are under constant threat from this empire, and they are only safe because of the Elves. The Elves control the Arcean Republic, while the Dwarves control Thatya. Eurica is considered a mixture of both the Dwarves and Elves cultures, but the government is puppeted by the Werecats. Casabus Recently conquered the mountains separating the north and south of the continent, and is gathering forces in near the border town Ironpeak.   The north is slowly falling to the Casabus Empire. Firepowder is being used to wipe out entire villages, and keep the common folk distrustful of others. Werecats are captured and forced to swear oaths to the king, lest they face death and torture. The north continues to keep the south from invading, but morale is weakening and forces are dwindling.