The Wind Riders Organization in Archaeon | World Anvil
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The Wind Riders


The Wind Riders are lead by a Grand Chieftain who oversees all of the Rider clans. Each clan is lead by a Chief, who passes the title down to a clan member of their choosing.

Public Agenda

The Wind Riders mostly want to be left alone by the other powers within and outside of the Spikes.


The Wind Riders have simple metal weapons, typically made from iron or steel, and no airships to speak of. However, they more than make up for this through the number of clan members trained to fly the giant eagles and hawks of the Spikes.

Demography and Population

Most of the Wind Riders are human, but there are also large numbers of tieflings and half-elves within the clans. There isn't a clear count of how many members the clans possess, as taking a census of every single tribe would be extremely difficult and time consuming, but it's believed that there are at least 10,000 Riders in the Spikes.


The Wind Riders control a reasonable portion of the territory north of Farhold and Forgehome


Nearly every Rider is trained to fly from a young age, whether it be on an eagle, a hawk, or another creature. Not all Riders receive the highest levels of combat training, but all are able to shoot a bow an arrow accurately while mounted and are trained in basic swordsmanship.


The Wind Riders don't follow any particular doctrine, but many individuals follow Avandra, Pelor, or Melora.

Foreign Relations

The Wind Riders avoid contact with other groups within the Spikes as much as possible, only breaking their isolation in order to trade with trusted merchants or to attack those who stray too far into their territory.

Agriculture & Industry

Most of the agriculture practiced by the Riders consists of plants that can survive the harsh conditions of the Spikes; however, some clans settle in the valleys between the mountains, and are therefore able to grow a greater variety of foods.

Trade & Transport

All Wind Rider trade is carried out with their flying mounts.


All Riders are trained to fly from a young age, and those who do not become warriors still receive basic combat training.
Geopolitical, Tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
The Wind Riders often trade their intricate woven goods for the few manufactured items they need.
Major Imports
As the Riders don't have ready access to minerals, they often trade with merchants who have proven their trustworthiness for iron and steel.
Legislative Body
The chieftains are typically responsible for deciding on the laws within their clans, while the Grand Chieftain decides on a common set of laws for all of the Riders.
Judicial Body
A group of elder Riders is responsible for deciding the outcome of any legal dispute.
Neighboring Nations

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