The Orc Hordes Organization in Archaeon | World Anvil
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The Orc Hordes


The greater Horde is composed of multiple small hordes, each led by a warchief.

Public Agenda

The goal of the Horde is to pillage Archaeon, and to destroy the followers of Corellon wherever they might be found.

Demography and Population

The majority members of the Horde are, predictably, orcs. However, there are significant numbers of half-orcs and goblinoids employed in the Horde, as well.


The individual hordes of the greater Horde cover much of of the Reaches, although they are more concentrated to the south, towards the Fangs.


It is said that every orc in the Horde is trained to fight from a young age, although the preferred styles may vary from clan to clan. Some clans prefer hand-to-hand fighting, while some fight from the backs of wargs.


All orcs honor Gruumsh, whom they consider to be their creator. Gruumsh's role as the god of destruction is embraced by the orcs, who don't hesitate to lay waste to anything they cannot claim for themselves. Orcs who fully commit themselves to Gruumsh are known as Eyes of Gruumsh, and they endure trying rituals in order to channel the fury and destructive power of their god. As a part of these rites, prospective Eyes must gouge out one of their own from their head, and ritually sacrifice it in the crater of the Eye of Gruumsh in the Fangs, symbolizing Gruumsh's defeat at the hands of Corellon Latherian during the Dawn War.

Foreign Relations

The Horde is considered a menace by the Dwarven Holds and eastern Free Cities, as it is not uncommon for war parties to make their way into the Spikes or interfere with their operations in the Reaches. The Grey Tower has also recently expressed concern over the actions of the Horde, due to their growing proximity to the archaeological sites at Tarys.


Orcs receive little education beyond their combat training, unless they are ordained as a priest of Gruumsh or another orcish deity or become a warchief of their clan.
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Subsidiary Organizations
Neighboring Nations
Manufactured Items
Related Items
Notable Members

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