The Misadventure of Hundar Myth in Archaeon | World Anvil
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The Misadventure of Hundar


The tale of the apprehension of the ill-intentioned ranger Hundar, who caused a great deal of chaos during his visit to Sentinel's Watch. The events began when Hundar attempted to attack several citizens he claimed were "spies", and then stole a horse from one of the stables in the town, and proceeded to successfully evade a large number of the town guards while rampaging around the premises. This lead to the deployment of the majority of the Sentinel's Watch garrison in pursuit of the criminal. Hundar, in an attempt to escape, buzzed the garrison, and rode his stolen horse up to the wall surrounding the town, which he then attempted to make the horse jump off of. Thankfully, the horse had more common sense than their erstwhile rider, and refused to make the twenty-foot jump; however, Hundar was unable to keep his seat, and proceeded to fly off of the horse and onto the ground beyond the wall. He then attempted to flee, but the town's archers brought him down just before he got out of range. Hundar was then thrown into the Sentinel's Watch jail.

Historical Basis

The actions of Hundar in Sentinel's Watch has attained such a mythical status among the people of Sentinel's Watch, it's unclear where the factual events of the tale end and the fabricated parts of the story begin.

Cultural Reception

Hundar has become something of an inside joke for the people of Sentinel's Watch.

In Art

It's not uncommon for the youth- and sometimes the board guards- of Sentinel's Watch to write "Hundar was here" in strange places around the town.
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