Xelsoan Organization in Arcadia | World Anvil
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A quirk of physics caused by the elemental crystal at the center of Xelsoan allows the people here to create perpetual energy machines. This has led to a technological revolution here, with effectively free mechanical energy being used to power everything from water pumps to mechanical guardians. Xelsoan is a metropolitan place - probably the most well-mixed country in all of Arcadia, and practically every even semi-civilized race is represented here. This mixing of people, ideas, and plentiful energy has allowed Xelsoan to be one of the most socially and technologically advanced countries in Arcadia.


Xelsoan is ruled by an elected representative democracy. Cities are broken up into districts by population, and each district elects a representative to send to the city council. Those same city councilors are sent to Volantis twice a year in order to handle matters of national or international government. During the first session after each election cycle, one member is elected by the council to handle affairs while the council is not in session. They are given the title of Executive, and a limited power in international affairs for their term of service.

Demography and Population

40% Human, 20% Gnome, 10% Dwarf, 10% Elf, 20% Other   The people of Xelsoan are varied and prosperous. Even those of races who would normally be called "monstrous" are welcome, if they behave.


The Xelsoan military is small, from a personnel standpoint, but makes up for it by having more impressive and powerful weaponry and ships, powered by the force magic of the silver crystal.


Though many within Xelsoan worship one god or another, the country is overall less religious than many others.

Agriculture & Industry

Xelsoan is well-suited to farmland, but produces just enough to feed the populous. Instead, Xelsoan is known for clockwork creations. Everything from standard clocks, complicated machines, and even clockwork automatons are created here. In addition to the clockwork machines, the people of Xelsoan create compressed springs in various relatively standard sizes - these standardized energy storage springs are then fitted into the clockwork creations to power them. Because of the perpetual motion trick available here, recharging them is relatively cheap, and the people of Xelsoan mass produce them to sell to those of other countries to power many items.


The University of Xelsoan is a semi-public university paid for in part by tax revenue, and in part by wealthy donors and businesses. The university has both educational and research projects, producing mages and artificers, as well as educated laborers and researchers.
Geopolitical, Country
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Transnational government
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories

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