Dragonborn Ethnicity in Arcadia | World Anvil


The Dragonborn of Arcadia first appeared around 50 or so years ago. After a rogue alchemist's Experiments got out of control he released a contagion into the city of Nix causing the infected to become monsters. the survivors of this infection that remained within 10 miles of Nix became these First Dragonborn.   Dragonborn that were turned in Nix number in the hundreds, these special few are known as the First generation. They are most often distinguished by their first names, which sound more akin to their original races. The afflicted changed their surnames not too long after they made Themselves known as to not be judged by each other or the world.   Unfortunately just changing your name doesn't stop you from looking like an overgrown lizard, in light of the recent holy war involving the mother of monsters and the reputation of Nix rumors started to spread like wildfire. Condemning as mindless, heartless brutes and servants of an evil demoness, because of that up until recently Dragonborn were not allowed in major population centers.   Today the Dragonborn of Arcadia can expect to have a lower quality of life that basic slaves. As the one of the most subjugated races in Arcadia Those that don't become adventurers typically are outsourced as Farmhands or bodyguards. The only exception to this societal rule is the Free Cities which include Nix, Hero's Rest, and Pirate's bay.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

1st Generation: Ayla, Lorelei, Nayra, Adnalyn, Lasva, Brannia   Other names: Agraxi, Enhax, Rossex, Lynn, Mystin, Shadow

Masculine names

1st Generation: Amrynn, Terathiel, Everlas, Rowan, Thulmir, Dulrom   Other names: Ildru, Nasa, Zusi, Umron, Lorlin, Hiseth

Family names

Original Dragonborn Surnames: Drake, Voru, Shieldbiter, Etri, Volund, Jurnaunt, Zela   The naming convention of the other generations tends to follow the pattern of scale color and an adjective that discribes them or their familes. Unlike Human surnames, Dragonborn children pick their surname when they come of age.


Major language groups and dialects

Racial Language: Draconic   Other Dialects include: High Draconic which is a more formal language intermixed with hints of Elvish.

Coming of Age Rites

A common coming of age rite is the selection of their own surname. It's considered socially unacceptable to have the same surname as another.

Major organizations

City of Origin: Nix
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