Grand Pantheon Organization in Arc-Terra | World Anvil
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Grand Pantheon

The Grand Pantheon is a collection of gods that represent the major races who live in relative peace. Not every race is represented, but if a race's population increases within societies that worship the pantheon, it is likely that a new god may be added. Each member represents the most widely worshiped god of each race, representing an ideal of that race's culture.

Effects of the Pantheon

The strength of the pantheon and what the presence of gods represent has a few effects on the lives of mortals

Blessing of Arms

Gods tend to favor specific weapons and armor over others, and while some have adapted to more modern weaponry, many have kept the same symbols of their divine power for centuries. Because of this, many traditional forms of arms have remained effective in combat, even with many military advancements over the years. It is not uncommon for a guard to be seen walking in full plate or wielding a longsword or bow, while others may prefer more modern body armor and firearms as their defenses of choice.  

Blessing of Blood

An odd change that was noted as the pantheon rose to power was the increased compatibility in reproduction between the various races. This didn't result in more hybrid races like Half-elves and -orcs, but it did mean that families could be made with more varied couples. Their offspring typically take after one parent more than the other, but often have physical characteristics of the other parent. For example, those born of genasi might find they have signs of elemental power apparent in their bodies. Children of orcs may have tusks even though they are otherwise an elf or a tiefling in appearance, and children of dragonborn often have scales, horns, or tails on their otherwise human visages.

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