Arburg King Harold I's reign
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King Harold I's reign

Political event


Harold I (the first) came to the throne that he created. He also created many laws that are still in existence today.

He was crowned, and then the calendar that Arburg uses today began. Harold developed it himself. He was a visionary and a philanthropist who saw a lot in the future of Arburg.
He was crowned at the age of 21, which gave him the idea for future kings to be crowned at that same age. This would give them enough time to gain some experience and also to rule in their prime.
He also commissioned and oversaw the construction of The Royal Palace.
He married the love of his life, Helena, one year before ascending to the throne. He built The palace orchard in her honor, named Arburg's greatest lake after her, and named the first month of his reign and every year to come after her. Unfortunately, Helena died three years into their marriage during childbirth, but she still managed to bear him a son, who became Harold II.

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