The Iskolean Council in Araneath | World Anvil
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The Iskolean Council

Iskolean Government

In the southern kingdom of Iskolos, the government is managed by the "Iskolosi Konkhilios" or "Iskolean Council". Formed after the terms of the "Paratlon Alliance" were defined in 3509, this council is intended to prevent the humans, who form the majority of the kingdom's denizens, to take full control.   The Paratlon Alliance was formed during King Ahmilcar's reign, at the tail end of the century of blood, which played a large part on his success.   The main force in the council are still the humans, however, represented by a King and Queen whom together form the so-called "Azure Crown", and a host of advisors and noblemen. The Azure Crown has direct control over most resources in Iskolos and has the backing of the Fellowship of the Iron Knights.   After the Azure Crown, comes the Copper Trade Association, an union of dwarves for the most part (Although halflings, gnomes and even a few humans respond as well). Originally formed after the Copperland Riots, the Association was intended as a coalition of workers seeking aid and protection against the multiple dangers of mining in the Copperland province. The Association became bloated and steered away from it's original goal. Nowadays, they take a seat in the Council, representing the interests of mining moguls. This gives them control of most of the kingdoms production of copper, gold, iron, gems and coal, as well of multiple bussinesses in the vein of blacksmithing, engineering and toolcrafting. They are specially influential in the south-central parts of the kingdom.   The smallest of the three parts, the Elder Sages are a group of elven wisemen, priests and mages, who represent the interests of not only elves and half-elves, but also the large agricultural community of the Dreamfields, aswell as that of temples, the scholars of the Black Sun, the Monastery of the Hydromancers and the Iskolean Academy of Applied Magics. While many mages, scientists and clergy are behind the Elder Sages, the economical importance of the Dreamfield is relatively low, which means their opinion is respected and heard in meetings of the Council, but carries little weight.

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