The Black Sun Item in Araneath | World Anvil
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The Black Sun

And there it stood, the rock with the most personality I've ever seen. In all it's innanimate glory it seemed to revel in the fact of it's alieness to us, simple mortals... - Andronicus the Illuminated, First Scholar of the Black Sun, 99 AH   During the years following Umbragol's defeat, as the new kingdoms rose, the hunt for magical artifacts and sources that could pose a new threat became a common activity. Around 97 AH, a group of iskolean scholars found a strange artifact which they dubbed the Black Sun.   A giant, black crystal, the Black Sun emits a very faint purple light which can only be seen in a ring about 15 feet away. Closer to the crystal, no light can be seen without special equipment.   Psions standing within the ring of light have their powers augmented. Common people standing within the invisible light become channels for weak psionic powers. Those who touch the stone are often rendered mad instantly.   Where the stone was found, or of how it's transportation was arranged, is not publicly known. The artifact was taken to Regent Magnus from Zarkus, in Iskolos. Afraid of the artifact, he called on wizards and wisemen from the kingdom. Most expressed fear, and the consensus rested on that it was a trap left behind by Umbragol. The wizard Andronicus, however, saw the potential on the artifact from the very beginning, and using his famous oratory skills, he convinced the King to create a special facility to protect, contain and study the object.   That place, nammed the House of the Black Sun has been a place for scholars of all races and all Araneath to study the object in hopes of understanding it. As much as has been documented and discovered, the true nature of the crystal lies beyond our realm of knowledge.
Item type
Owning Organization
~150 KG. The weight seems to vary slightly under not known variables.
About 1.60 mts in height, 70 cm in the base, 1.20 mts in the middle.

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