Slavery in Araneath | World Anvil
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The practice of forced servitude is widespread across Araneath, although the specifics vary significantly from kingdom to kingdom, and have shifted over time.   Ancient Shud was perhaps the most notable example, as there were little rules regarding slavery, and evidence suggest the only group of people safe from such practice were nobled and magi. This led to problems with the elves, whom despised the idea of forced servitude, and whom were often target of slavers.   In modern times, Shud still has the largest slave market in the continent, often referred as "their most succesful export". This is specially relevant for Byzennia, were the law prohibits the sale of slaves, but not slavery itself. Many of the richest denizens of the Marble City make their purchase of slaves in Shud, which they then bring back home. This relationship has also led to the rise of a "slave black market", were byzennians or even travelers, are sequestered at the request of a local, sent to Shud for a few months, and then "bought" by the schemer. Whether for vengeance or as a legal loophole for rape (As forced intercourse with slaves is frowned upon but not punished), attempts to stop the practice have failed. If the failure is real or just a cover-up for deeper corruption is a topic of hot debate.   The slave trade is considerably less succesful in the Sand Kingdoms, where slaves are commonly sold already. This has to with the Social Circles of the Sand Kingdoms and their unique eschelons of citizenship.   In Iskolos, slave trade has a foothold, but is severely limited and controlled. Mistreatment of slaves is considered a serious offense, and descendants of slaves born within the kingdom are considered free citizens. On top of that, there are taxes related to "excess" of slaves, and law says no person can be held as a slave for longer than 14 years. If a slave works for a Temple or some royal institution, like the Fellowship of the Iron Knights or the School of the Black Sun for a whole year without creating any trouble, they can be eligible to become an "indentured servant" to the Crown, which puts them half-way to full citizenship, and includes benefits such as half their corresponding salary, more lenient curfew and the right to buy and own property.   Slavery is fully forbidden in The Union, although reports of serkian slaves in Snowmarch and beyond have gone ignored for centuries.   In Skågrom, due to the societal structure of clans, every skågjar must be free, or dead. This extends to prisoners, whom are judged quickly, and either released and punished, or executed.

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