Elf Species in Aragothia | World Anvil
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Deep in the mystical forests of a distant planet, a slender and graceful being stalks through the underbrush. They carry a delicate bow, arrows in their pack ready to be strung. They look like many humanoids, except their features are very similar within the species. THeir families are usually extended, generally with several generations living together in the same land. They will farm, hunt, and copulate in partnership with nearby familial tribes. Th term "tribe" conjure up somewhat simple and technologically inferior notions, but every elven clan has technology at or above many of their neighbors. Their lands are not exclusively elvish in demographics; elves almost always interbreed, creating half-races. The elvish half races are one of the more notable ones due to the inherent differences in the lives and biology of many other humanoid species.

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