Hoplostalkers Species in Apocrypha | World Anvil
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Large amphibious species that reside in the Storm Lands. With a stone-like carapace and deadly sharp raptorial forelegs, the Hoplostalkers reign as the apex predators in this region. Valued for both weapon and armor craft, these beasts are hunted regularly by the residents of Lower Strollid and Upper Strollid. Taking upwards of 15 men to fell just one Hoplostalker makes hunting them the most dangerous undertaking of the area.

Hoplostalkers will eat anything and everything, but show a preference for the rancid due to its strong smells. It is not uncommon for such beasts to be found in the middle of Lower Strollid wreaking havoc on the unsuspecting denizens who happen to be caught in it's path as it hunts down the garbage found throughout the slums.

Basic Information


Hoplostalkers are large amphibious crustaceans that spend an equal amount of time in and out of water. Although they can survive on land for an extended period of time, this causes their stone-like carapace to dry out, slowing them down and making them rigid. In order to stay quick and limber, they continually moisten their exoskeletons in both fresh and salt water. Hoplostalkers have an iridescence to their shells as well. Between their beauty and sturdiness, Hoplostalker shells are some of the most expensive on the market.

Hoplostalkers are equipped with 5 pairs of jointed legs used for walking and 5 pairs of swimmerets or pleopods for swimming. The joints on their legs are commonly known as their weak spots. Hunters tend to aim for their legs to immobilize them before killing them. Attack other parts of their body and risking their stone-like shells can be extremely dangerous. Apart from their legs, Hoplostalkers have 2 rapotorial forelimbs they use for hunting and fighting. These forelimbs have an incredible grip and are extremely fast. Hoplostalkers can use these forelimbs to generate shock waves which disorient their target. Some hunters try their best to avoid being in the Hoplostalkers line of sight and end up behind it, facing their tails. Their tail is almost as dangerous as their forelimbs and can be used to generate lesser shock waves. Their tails are also equipped with several jets they can use to propulse water. Being caught in the lesser shock wave, the spray, or both can leave any hunter vulnerable long enough for the Hoplostalker to turn around and finish them off.

Genetics and Reproduction

During the heaviest storms, groups of Hoplostalkers will gather and begin spawning in the body of water they call home. Thousands of eggs laid and fertilized by any number of Hoplostalkers can be found after the floodwaters die down.After hatching, the larva will begin warring with one another eating egg, brother, and sister alike.

Growth Rate & Stages

Hoplostalkers surprisingly start off as small 1 inch larva without their dangerous forelegs. Those who survive spawning go through rapid growth through their adolescence and reach adulthood within the first year. As Hoplostalkers grow, they molt their carapace and grow a new one to accommodate their size. New carapaces take a couple of days to grow on average. During this growth period, Hoplostalkers are without their hard exteriors, making them extremely vulnerable. Once their new carapace settles, it becomes stone-like once more, protecting them from and dangers. Their raptorial forelegs grow in when they draw closer to adulthood and finish most of their growing as molting becomes less frequent. Adult Hoplostalkers still molt as their growth never really ceases.

Ecology and Habitats

Although Hoplostalkers can be found in many areas where a body of water is present, they are most commonly found in the storm lands and coast. Due to the constant presence of storms, the Hoplostalkers rarely have to leave their terrain to moisturize.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Hoplostalkers eat anything and everything, but have a taste for the rancid and decaying. They would much rather feast on a rotting carcass than a fresh kill. They can often be found gathering fresh kills and leaving them out to decay while they eat kills from the previous hunt or any hunt prior. Due to their close habitation with Lower Strollid, they've also grown a taste for any kind of waste. When decaying foods can be found so easily in the slums, the Hoplostalkers can forego hunting and instead forage.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Hoplostalkers are mostly hunted for weapon and armor smithing. It's meat is commonly shared among the people of Lower and Upper Strollid.
6 years
Average Height
4-5 ft
Average Weight
1.5 tons
Average Length
8 ft

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