Glyphs Spell in Apocrypha | World Anvil
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One of the many branches of Engraving, glyphs are complex spell circles that activates or deactivates depending on the individual passing over it. Generally used as traps or keys, glyphs are left to protect important people, places, and things. Once a glyph is drawn, it can be fed up to 3 uses worth of aether and ingredients for trap glyphs and up to 10 uses for key glyphs. To attune it to different individuals, the castor needs to burn a blood sigil of the person being granted access. Glyphs are not easily deactivated due to their complex nature and are better to be avoided entirely if you can sniff one out.


Trap Glyph

When a person with access passes over a trap glyph, it does not activate and they can pass over it unharmed. When a person without permission passes over a glyph, it activates and the spell will only effect the trespasser. These effects tend to vary from physical harm such as spikes erupting from the glyph to encasing the person in ice, to mental attacks like disorientation to make the person leave the location or causing them to fall unconscious.  

Key Glyphs

Unlike trap glyphs, key glyphs do not affect the recipient directly, but rather the space around them. Key glyphs work in one of two ways, they can grant or deny access to a location. If a person with permission passes a key glyph, it can either open a doorway or shut said doorway. Its useful for letting in certain people or keeping certain people out. If a person without permission passes over a key glyph, it will not activate.

When layered, a key glyph can ignore the need for a blood sigil permission. This is usually replaced with a brief chant, sign, or offering that activates the key glyph.

Side/Secondary Effects

Glyphs run out of uses as its spell is activated. Once a glyph runs out of aether, it will no longer activate allowing whomever to pass over it unaffected it. This can be easily remedied by a magi refilling its stores of aether and if needed, ingredients.


Like any engraved spell, glyphs glow a bright light when they are placed. When they are tripped however, the glow of activation is a lot duller than when they are initially engraved.
Material Components
Each glyph requires its own material components depending on the trap or key. One thing all glyphs have in common is the need for aether from the engraver.

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