Forgol, Goddess of Desire Character in Anthilla | World Anvil
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Forgol, Goddess of Desire

Forgol, Goddess of Desire, is one of the Lesser Gods born from one of Vail's shadows. It is said that she brought the will to want in the hearts of all inteligent life. Her power made continual life possible, but it also brought the will to desire what others have, birthing jelousy and envy. She has no evil will of her own, though her powers have capability of great evil.   Her followers are split in two main groups, those who seek her for the purpose of good, and those who seek her for the purpose of evil. Those whose intentions are good often use her powers to grant undying love and desire to do good upon others, while those who wants her power for evil want it to spread greed and lust among people. These two groups often fight eachother to see who's truly right about Forgol's nature, and her intentions.

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