Matador Species in Animoterra | World Anvil
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These rather aggressive omnivores are similar to goats or deer in their role played, but beware! They can, and will, chase you down if you get too close.

Basic Information


Very similar in structure and body plan to the extinct earth pachycephelosaurs, for the same reason as well. They have long back legs, a large tail and small wings, useless for flight they are used as a flag, and are brightly colored.

Biological Traits

They are sexually dimorphic though not to such extremes seen on the slime seals.

Genetics and Reproduction

The females guve live birth to one calf at a time. They They are perfectly able to take care of themselves after a few weeks.

Growth Rate & Stages

At birth, the calves have little defense oflther than speed. But as they age, their skull tjickens and grows, giving them the headbutting power of the adults.

Ecology and Habitats

As mentioned above, they are adapted to open fields or sparce forests, though a miniature species lives in rainforests.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are largely herbivorous, but relish the occasional small animal. They are rather vocal within their herds, grunting and howling if excited.

Biological Cycle

They seem to grow stably through their life, but are rather slow to do so. They shed their skin once a year, eating it afterwards.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Males fight for females to join their herd. Between 3 and 5 females are in a males herd. They headbutt butalso use a special bone on thsir wrist called a rapier to try and hit a nerve on their opponent's thigh. Hitting this will cause ths leg to seize up and them to call over, losing the herd.


Little captive breeding has occured though hand-rearex calves show great potential for guard-dogs and travel companions.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They have very protein rich meat and their skulls are sometimes made into weapons.

Facial characteristics

The upper mandible is largely blank, save for the nostrils. The lower mandible has the four dyes on it, as to protect them from damage. Ears are placed back far down the neck, away from the head entirely.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Species rather stick to themselves, but the whole group lives on the Eastern continent.

Average Intelligence

Their thick skulls leave their brain at a rather small and simple state. This puts their intelligence matching that of about the average deer.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have terrible smell, but eyesight and hearing are fantastic. This helps them keep an eye out for predators on open fields.
Scientific Name
Matadorae sp. (There are several)
Seemingly originating near the coast, they are able to drink sea water
Males live around 16 years, female's 25.
Conservation Status
Common but have a rather small range per species.
Average Height
Males reach around 5 feet tall while females average around 4.
Average Weight
Males, larger in build and size, reach about 100 lbs. Large females may reach 70.
Average Length
Males reach lengths of 12 feet, and female's are about 10 feet long.
Average Physique
Rather slim and skinny on their frame, their tail is masdive to provide balance when headbutting.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usually colored with browns and tans, the males flags are brightly colored, usually red or blue.

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