Gigantorachnid Species in Animoterra | World Anvil
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If you are scared of spider, or ants for that matter, turn away now! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

With that out of the way, let's continue! Gigantorachnids, the alien ant-spiders. There is the queen, who mainly lays eggs after settling in to a small cave. Then there are the warriors, the are six-feet tall, roar and laugh like hyenas and worst of all, can run up to 25 mph!

Then there are the workers, who are about the same size as a Labrador. Their main job is to care for eggs and the queen. The workers and warriors are all males, but sterile, drones mate with the queen. They aren't much bigger than workers, but they can jump like grasshoppers.

Basic Information


Looking like spiders, but acting like ants, they are perfect killing machines if they choose to be. They live in caves or self made tunnels. How, you may ask? Simple, the workers produce a strong acid in their saliva, and lick the walls to expand their caves.

Each member has eight legs, although on workers and warriors, the front two are developed into small arms, which are used to carry eggs or meat.

Biological Traits

The individuals living in colder climates often have missing eyes from Mounds.

Genetics and Reproduction

Once a drone mates with a queen, he dies, but she doesn't have to mate again for five years. At that point, she will produce a genetically unrelated drone to mate with.

Growth Rate & Stages

They start as eggs, but when they are ready to hatch, a tendril forms on the bottom and raises them upwards 2-3 feet, where they can hatch safely. They are then considered to be larvae, although they are perfectly mobile and defending of themselves. It takes about six sheds to reach adulthood.

Ecology and Habitats

If the founding queen can't find a suitable cave, she will often go to Coverticus to ask for assistance. If he doesn't help, she often will go dig a burrow in dirt, or venture down the Scar to look for one.

At that point, she starts producing eggs, some of which she eats, but many grow to become workers. If a large colony is nearby, they often merge. The surrounding ecosystem is often overruled by these monsters.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Although they eat any meaty substance, they prefer to eat dead or dying animals, nature's sort of clean up crew.

Biological Cycle

During the dry season, they go into a month-long hibernation. The queen also sheds her skin with age, growing larger and larger.

Additional Information

Social Structure

The queen is the ruler of a hive, while the others are of equal status. They occur in high numbers, sometimes with multiple queens in one hive.


No one is stupid enough to even try.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

If someone has the guts to do it, saliva acid may be collectible.

Facial characteristics

Their face is shaped similarly to a seals or dogs. It has 6-8 eyes and is covered in sensory hairs.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Withing a five mile radius of a queen, which can be anywhere not covered in sand or snow.

Average Intelligence

Unknown, as they show great teamwork, but can't seem to solve simple problems.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They all have great vision and scent, although they can't hear as all it seems, they do have sensory hairs covering their bodies to sense vibrations.
Scientific Name
Giganotus Aracnida
Coverticus says they started up once there were caves to move into.
While the queen can live for over 30 years, warriors and workers live for around 2, and drones rarely live over a single year.
Conservation Status
While there aren't many colonies, they are mostly healthy.
Average Height
Queens average at around 6 feet. Workers are often 3 feet tall, as are the drones. Warriors are around 4 feet tall, although their quills make their height seem taller.
Average Weight
Depends greatly, queens go into the thousands of pounds, while warriors max out at 250. Workers and drones weight roughly 50-60 lbs.
Average Length
Queens:16-20 feet. Workers:around 4 feet. Warriors:7 feet it the largest recorded. Drones:4 feet is the usual length.
Average Physique
Muscular, but not to large.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
They have a base color of grey, with a purple or red stripe down the back. Warriors have red, orange and yellow masks, similarly to raccoons.

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