Yoren's Loss Military Conflict in Andara | World Anvil
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Yoren's Loss

The attack on Kings Manor, where the extended family of King Yoren were. His sister, nephew and uncle were killed, while his aunt, niece and cousin were captured.

The Conflict


A heavy force of Elves had been sent to Kings Manor with the objective of capturing the Kings family, including his Uncle and Sister.   The family and guards had received the news of the Elvish attacks on Leelside and Solstice Castle, with rumours of an attack at Arbor as well. The guards were on alert but were not expecting such a bold attack deep in Human territory.


The well trained Elves headed towards the Estate, fully prepared for a difficult assault. They had sent several mages ahead disguised as farmers with a group of merchants and traders earlier in the day. The guards were checking the goods but not paying much attention to the actual people. The Elves tried to remain unnoticed but later into the day during the farmers market in the town centre, as the mages were readying to strike, a guard noticed one of the infiltrators, calling the alarm and forcing the mages to attack right then...


Kings Manor is a large manor house with huge lands surrounding it, around the lands is a small stone wall. This acts as a symbol mostly, showing the people where the official Royal lands begin. Close by is a large Keep and wood-walled area for the garrison to train and defend from.   There is a small town next to the estate that provides residence for the garrison, the servants and many farmers who work the surrounding fields.   The actual manor house is quite large, with many rooms. It is not designed to be defended however, it is designed as a residence.


It was a clear, sunny day, so the farmers market was popular and busy.

The Engagement

After the guard called the alarm and drew his weapon, running at the Elf, the mages and nearby soldiers advanced into the town from the surrounding treeline. The garrison came out of the keep, many on horseback and began to engage the Elves, but the mages were hard to beat once again, throwing spells at the mounted soldiers and setting the village alight. The garrison sent troops to the estate to make sure the Kings family was escorted to safety but the Elves followed close behind. The fighting snaked towards the house and eventually reached the doors to the manor. The guards got inside and barred the door, but the Elves crashed through the windows and stormed through the house.   The Kings Uncle, Tharen, drew his sword and caught one of the mages from behind, killing him and one over before a mage electrocuted him, causing his ageing heart to give out.   The Elves managed to get control over the manor and gathered the Kings Sister, Nephew, Aunt, Niece and Cousin in the entrance hall. They prepared to head back to the town but saw that the Humans were regaining control of the town and Keep area. The Elves decided to make an escape with the members they had, but mounted soldiers chased after them, fighting them at the edge of the grounds, as the Elves tried to get the prisoners away a stray arrow hit the King's sister, Elara, the Elves left her to bleed out. The Elves managed to get the king's Aunt Lerra, niece Olana and cousin Thensall over the wall and away on horseback, but the King's nephew Rhodar was taken back by the guards, so one of the last Elves over the wall fired a volley of sparks at them, one of them hitting the young boy, killing him. The mage was struck with an arrow and captured by the Humans to be taken back to the garrison.   The captured members of the royal family were taken all the way back Ashton, knowing The College was not a safe place for them.


Kings family captured or killed. Elvish mage captured.


Elvish prisoner tortured. Kings family executed.

Historical Significance

Humans see this attack as the most cowardly of the Elvish attacks, as it was against a mainly civilian target.
Included under Conflict
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
5102 - Otrin - 27
Ending Date
5102 - Agnos - 1
Conflict Result
Human victory, Elves capture members of the royal family


Kings Manor
Elvish army






Protect the royal family
Capture the Royal family


  • The Central Continent
    The most populous and politically important continent in the known world. Home to the majority of Humans and many High Elf families. There are groups of Wood Elf in the North and Centaurs across the southern woods and forests.   Key:   1-Yarrin, Capital of the Human crown 2-Queenstown, Major Human city 3-Ozryn, Large Human city 4-Laketon, Large fortified Human City 5-Kings Manor, Residence and royal castle for the monarchs family 6-The College, Large complex of schools and scholarly houses 7-Ashton, Human City 8-Pran, Human city with a large High Elf population 9-Carhill, Large Human town 10-Springmount, Human town 11-Solstice Castle, Large Human castle to strengthen the Northern border 12-Amberhall, very old town dating back to Elvish times 13-Nordpass, Small human city isolated on Tide Isle 14-Tidebreak Castle, Incredibly fortified castle on Tide Isle 15-Ridgemot, Human town 16-Leelside, Medium Human city 17-Arbor, small Human town with a keep 18-The Nightfort, Large fortress that protects the Southern border of the North 19-Balmar, Large Human city built onto the lakes 20-Alcove, Large Human town built in large clearing in the woods 21-Fieldfire Castle, Damaged castle built on the site of a great battle 22-Goldside, medium Human mining town 23-Mountmend, Large Human mining and trading city 24-Oxhost, Small Human town 25-Oxforth, Human town 26-Rivermot, Human city with a lot of damaged and ruins 27-Cetari, Centaur stronghold and holy site 28-Vaes Dor, Elvish ruins of a large city 29-Halgen, Small Human city 30-Estford, Human town 31-Forpass, Small Human town 32-Northshore, Very small Human town 33-Winthaven, Medium Human city 34-Stormarch, Small Human city 35-Bleakmount, Large Human town 36-Winter's Edge, Large Human city that acts as the capital in the North, very fortified 37-Snowmelt, Small Human town 38-Craghar, Human town 39-Briewind, Human town 40-Erast, Medium Human city 41-Ecrin, Large Human city 42-Clayton, Large Human town 43-Oakmore Castle, Small but very fortified castle 44-Southgate, Human town 45-Midmount, Large Human town 46-Oakheart, Large Human city 47-Zeffari, Large Human city, acts as capital in the South 48-Baredale, Medium Human town 49-Westwend, Large Human city 50-Ruins of Andlis-Harh, Ancient Elvish capital destroyed hundreds of years ago 51-Oldtown, Supporting town to Andlis-Harh, now Human town 52-Andrie, Once independent Human isle that now submits to rule 53-Red Heart, small Human town 54-Tydespire Castle, Small Human castle 55-Tarrin, Large Human trading city 56-Pavv, Large Human city 57-Littlehill, Medium Human town 58-Three Fingers, Large Human fishing and trading town 59-Thornwood Fortress, Very large fortress and prison, acts as the main prison for the continent 60-Northforge, One of the dwarven cities and mines, is open to trade/diplomacy 61-Southforge, The other dwarven city, closed its gates many years ago and silent since 62-Nuxvar, Large Human trading city, home to the largest naval force 63-Sudhere, Small Human coast town 64-Rinas Mal, Elvish ruins of a fort and town 65-Tris Dorne, Elvish ruins of a large town 66-Rias-Dori, Main home on the continent of the Tarfen, a minotaur like race. Many were brought to the continent by slavers and traders. 67-Wydwin, Small Human town.

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