The Eladrin Plains Organization in Ancaepya | World Anvil
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The Eladrin Plains

"How does one define an Eladrin? Are they themselves fairies? Elves suffused with fairy magic? A bit of both? Whatever they might be, folklore speaks of whole nations of Eladrin, great kingdoms with wondrous sights, wise monarchs, and grand cities." ~Beitris of Carcalles: The Fey - Fact or Fiction?


The Eladrin Plains are ruled by Queen Rienni and have been since she first united the scattered Eladrin communities on the Plains to fight back against the Ogre invasion millennia ago. She has full authority over every citizen during times of war, which are announced by a powerful spell illuminating the uppermost peak of The Five-.
Although she probably could, she doesn't exercise much power outside of wartime, as the Eladrin culture values independence, freedom, and a sense of shared community above all else. The towns and cities sometimes elect leaders or allow influential individuals to govern but most of the time this isn't necessary. The Queen still performs some symbolic functions, but mainly acts as a figurehead during peacetime.
Eladrin are inclined to share and help each other so a currency isn't necessary, rather, favours or material goods are traded for whatever one might want to procure. Taxes are not levied, as the state doesn't really have any bureaucracy or similar systems in place.
The Eladrin Plains are subject to the ancient Eladrin laws set down at the Great Council of Areithar in an age long past. There is no law enforcement or common judicial system, but the different cities, towns, and villages have martial champions and magic users sworn to uphold the ancient laws and law breakers are judged harshly.

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Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Queen's Realm, The Eladrin Realm
Notable Members

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