Princedom of Andonia Organization in Amèria | World Anvil
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Princedom of Andonia


The region of Andonia one of the last territories to be colonized by the Western Tribes and it has retained a reputation for being particularly wild and uncivilised compared to the other Odrian territories.   In 140 OA the March of Andonia was created.   During the "Terrible Occupation" the marquis of Andonia was slain in the first phases of the war and the region fell in anarchy together with the rest of Odria. From this anarchy a baron, Atheldrìc Mokhn, claiming to be a descendant of an ancient tribal kingdom rallied all the warbands of the region and crowned himself king of Andonia. Atheldrìc proved his worth by annihilating the Kyb armies near Lake Saar in what would become the symbol of Andone independence.   After Hudwin of Ghaulle won the war, hostilities with Odria immediately broke out as Atheldrìc refused to bend the knee to Odrian rule. The war was brief as the Otrenzian nobility threatened to rebel as well, so Hudwin granted Andonia independence as long as Atheldrìc renounced to the title of King.   Recently the Eastern Troubles renovated this independent identity [see the Eastern Troubles]

Demography and Population

300 000. Despite being almost double the size of Otrenza it isn't very densely populated.


Andone territory is mostly made up of grassy hills and dense woods


Andones are known as the most fearsome warriors of Western Amèria, and Andonia is a notoriously militaristic society.   The army structure is very different than in the rest of Greater Odria, in Andonina every freeman can join the ranks of a "Kratnik", the best warrior who leads a War Band.   In the andone Warbands there are up to 500 warriors. When a lot of warbands are united (usually in times of war) an army is formed and command is usually taken either by the Prince or by a general elected between the "Kratniks"   When in peace the warbands function as peacekeepers forces or as border patrol. Warriors in peacetime must learn to feed themselves and to hunt together and are not paid directly, but rather a pension is given to the families. A Warrior can retire from his warbands after 5 years, but can choose to remain as long as he can fight.   Andone tradition is more concentrated around foot warrior and shock cavalry.

Technological Level

Militarly advanced especially in tactics and iron working.   Somewhat backward agricultural technology in comparison to the Odrian standards.


Since the Eastern Troubles the local Declarers have been appointed by the Barons or the Prince with great disapproval from Pregaire

Foreign Relations

Since its independence, Andonia, has been quite isolated diplomatically. At the end of the "Eastern Troubles" Andonia has no ally

Agriculture & Industry

Highly based on legumes, tubers and nordic agriculture

Trade & Transport

Transport through Andonia is notoriously difficult thanks to the thick forests in the south and the mountains in the north. While this helps protecting the region from outside invasions, it also limits trade.   Since the Eastern Troubles, Andonia has been under embargo from its neighbors
Prince Rameff cover
Erdùn's Blazon
The Erdùns are the dynasty in power
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Northern oble
Legislative Body
Judicial Body
Official State Religion

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