Book of A.M.A.M.A Item in Amith | World Anvil
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Book of A.M.A.M.A ([ah-muh])

In the realm of the ideal, exists a single work of writing, known as the Book of A.M.A.M.A. Rumored to hold the secrets of creation and granting of godhood upon reading. Pursuit of this work consumes Nœ'n, Six of Knowledge.

Not much is known about the beginnings of this book, from whose its creator and its foretold destruction of all that is known. However, one of the few things which are known is why... Why was the book created in the first place? Well, like all good things begin, with the best of intentions this endeavor was not any different...but like all good things done - especially ones with the best intentions - with Time and Knowledge, all things change. Originally a record of man's knowledge, so we may grow and teach others and not make mistakes of our past. Build upon the ideas of those before us! Which this book certainly does, for it tells of things no one else knows, and if a special one were to obtain it, the knowledge gained here will end Amith.   The book is of massive proportions, as the pages themself are 16x10ft in size. Each cut from the finest marble of an opaque white, covered in runes emitting a small blueish hue above a backdrop of a gold glow spilling out from behind each primordial text. Even those that cannot read the writings withheld in it are compelled to stare at its sheer beauty as if they were taking in all the knowledge contained. Whether or not one does retain what they read is never a choice to begin with, as each passage and wisdom you learn from the book weighs upon you quite literally, eventually causing you to be rooted in place if you find yourself unable to stop resisting its contents. All things learned from the book are never forgotten, indefinitely, believed to even resist the removal effect from the Aistrigh. Oftentimes discovery of the book is next to a man, seemingly destitute and gone mad with only babbles and scribbles, incapable of movement, some repeating "Ahma ahma ahma" indefinitely.
Item type
Book / Document
Related ethnicities
Related Condition
2000 kg/ 4400 pounds
18x12 ft
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
Stone, Marble, Gold, various other types of expensive ores.

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